TRA1566>taxi 06R @LEPA
FLB101>taxi h/p 24RE LEPA
FLB109>taxi h/p 24R LEPA num2
TRA1566>can;t you read the METAR? or maybe checking f24?
FLB101>read local rules
FLB101>default on LEPA 24 departures
TRA1566>lol, dude I have the charts open and also checking flightradar24, so do not give me water instead of vine
TFF333>lineup rwy 06 for takeoff from LEPA
TRA1566>I see, 06 for arr and 24 for dep, clever mind
TRA1566>you against the world. I like this kind of thinking
IBI1517>at real airport act rwy at LEPA is 06
TRA1566>l/u 06R @LEPA
FLB109>wind 050/07, less than 10 kt, LEPA 24
TRA1566>dude, check the real operations, it is as simpla as that
FLB101>l/u 24R LEPA
TFF333>the wind is 49/7 at lepa
TRA1566>excuse me, are you NUTS? can't you read and see that there;s trafic lined up on 06L?
FLB109>06L NEVER for departure, NEVER
FLB109>l/u 24R LEPA
FLB101>airborne MEROS2A dep
TRA1566>dude, both of you, you are completly nuts, enjoy the spirit
TRA1566>t/o 06R @LEPA MERO4B
FLB109>t/o rw 24R LEPA