Hello Captains!
Some info on the development of our beloved Maddog X:
>>>>> We have moved 1.4b427 version out from the Open Beta trial period to the "official" channel, and we have just sent simMarket our latest full "official" installers.
You should receive the update notification email in a couple of hours. To install this new version, which includes some small fixes, a new fresh installation is needed: please follow the pdf instructions included in the download file.
>>>>> Thanks to your valued feedback, part 1 of our community poll has ended, and we are extremely satisfied with the results.
We ask you another small effort with the just published part 2, your opinion is needed this time to better understand your preferences in reference to the PBR model options and textures resolution. Please head here to partecipate, or use the poll block on the right column in the forums to cast your vote!
>>>>> We are about to start a new internal beta testing phase with our fantastic Team.
This time we have added the Canadian Marconi FMS (for lateral navigation), and the PMS (for the vertical profile), plus a bunch of different customer options available for customization within our Load and Setup Manager. More news soon!