Beiträge von Fravk

    ich habe mal eine Frage bezüglich der Approach speed bei der 737. Ich kenne die Regel:

    "Half of the reported steady headwind component plus the full gust Note: The minimum command speed setting is VREF + 5 knots. The maximum is VREF +20
    knots or landing ap placard speed minus 5 knots, whichever is lower."

    Bsp: RWY 16 , wind 200/25G41 / Vref Flaps 40/133, Flaps 30/139

    Wäre also: Hälfte von 25 + (41-25), aber nicht mehr als Vref+20 ? Ist die Rechnung so richtig? Die reale Crew hat 16 auf die Vref draufgeschlagen. Wie kommen die darauf?

    Gibt ein neues Update für den Mega Airport Madrid Barajas 2008.
    Zu haben in der Datenbank bei Aerosoft.

    jor xxxxxxxx system rebuild (this one you need to discover on your own)

    1.Aerosoft Lido NavDataPro

    2.Can't transfer GPS data to scratch-pad
    3.V1 on Speed tape
    4.Hud FMA's
    5.Wind calculations- Descend page-forecast
    6.V2 Speed
    7.Efis/Map 45kns speed tape
    8.Check if bump mapping of the vertical stab now works for all FSX models
    9.Refueling rate too high
    If you open the valves of the three tanks at the same time, each tank will only get 300kg/min each.
    If you open only one valve, the related tank will get the full 900kg/min.
    10.Inaccuracy of the step functionality of the CDU legs page with the ND in PLAN mode.
    11.SID drawing issues
    12.Aircraft elevator and trim out with turbulence at cruise altitude.
    13.E/D conditions not always met.
    14.TCAS not displaying all traffic on some FS9 systems.
    15.VOR Course not being drawn when selected using hardware radio's
    16.N1 light on MCP not illuminating at thrust reduction altitude on climb out.
    17.When runway selected on route page it does not filter sids
    18.IAN should only engage if a procedure was selected from the FMC, VOR, NDB, RNAV, ILS with no G/S (add easy and realistic modes)
    19.There should be NO SPACE between GS+speed and TAS+speed at ND
    20.selected SID and RWY,after EXEC, the RWY did not become ACT
    21.If there are 2 way-points with the same ID in LEGS page, then CDU will fail to delete the first one using LSK.
    22.VNAV approach speeds
    23.VNAV Profile (no weather)
    24.SID/STAR Approach section, alphabetic and chronological
    25.No ambient sound with ISFD gauge
    26.Way-point Stepping
    27.ILS display problem on PFD
    28.SIMU page > PANEL STYLE > AUTOPILOT page 4/4 > IAN MODE > the two options are blank/not displayed on the left side, only SEL shown on right side of the CDU page.
    29.SID page not reverting to page 1 after choosing runway
    30.FMC APPR REF page
    Clicking on the LSK next to WIND CORR should transfer the actual value to the scratch-pad.
    31.FMC intercept heading'-logic problem
    32.switching from VNAV too LVL CHG during descend
    33.Sync Baro settings (CAPT/FO easy mode)
    34.Unable to delete a way-point in the Route page.
    35.vor/loc and app activating simultaneous
    36.VNAV flaps speed
    37.TAI ON ABOVE 10'C and wing&engine anti-ice switches
    38.CWS logic error
    39.Baro STD font & MAG HDG size
    40.HUD artifact
    41.Add HOLD leg distance/time
    42.Range indications missing in CTR mode
    43. OVHD EFIS switch logic

    Danke für Eure Info's.
    Habe mich jetzt für das Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 WiFi+3G entschieden.
    Da ich nen iPhone 3GS habe und mir das iPad nicht entspricht, habe ich mich für das Samsung entschieden.

    würde mir gerne ein Tablet kaufen, stellt sich nur die Frage welches. iPad ist mir zu teuer.
    Bei Samsung würde mir das Tab 2 10.1 mit 3G oder das neue Tab Note 10.1 mit S-Pen.
    Das Note hat nen Quad und 2GB RAM, ich frage mich nur, ob das nur mit dem S-Pen zu bedienen ist oder auch ohne?

    .... If you have your Windows regional settings set for your country (like me for Austria), then you might have the comma as the decimal seperator. And then ASA produces the wx_station_list.txt with coordinates using the comma as decimal seperator... FSBuild does not check the regional settings and always takes the decimal point. I found this in another post in this forum. The only difference is, that there are now much more stations including thos $xxx stations. Without changing this setting, you get totally wrong stations.