Ich schaue die TdF eigentlich immer. So wie alle anderen Rennen auch...Doping hin Doping her...Hauptsache Ballern 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️
Beiträge von Frank K
Canon für 3 Geld Achtzig reicht völlig aus und hat guten Scanner...
Canon Pixma MG5350 Multifunktionsgerät (Scanner, Kopierer, Drucker, USB 2.0) schwarz https://www.amazon.de/dp/B005IUUX90/…i_BnVmFbBTXD9VG
Habt Ihr alle Wasserkühlung mir iss das viiiieeeelll zu warm um vor der Kiste zu hocken
der Artikel ist ja so was von wahr.....mein Psychiater stimmt dem Text auch voll zu
Ist doch Bockwurst, es wird genug Käufer geben🤷♂️
Ob nach erscheinen des MSFS2020 noch Jemand bereit ist den Mondpreis zu zahlen, den die verlangen ?
ich würde den nicht mal für den V4.5 zahlen
LH_Pilot94 wie ist die Kiste eigentlich jetzt? Ich muss die auch mal aus dem Hangar schieben....sobald in Deutschland mal wieder halbwegs normale Temperaturen herrschen...zur Zeit iss es ja wie im Backofen
Beta release
Fly the Maddog X Support & Community Forums The new Fly the Maddog X version, that includes the much anticipated EFB, is finally ready for download! 1.7b722 is released free of charge for all 64bit customers (P3D v44.4/v4.5/v5), it's an incremental update that requires build 1.6b571 or 1.6b605 installed in your system. Our TSS unofficial merge is fully compatible with 1.7b722 and you won't have to install it again if you already had it on previous version. As usual, even if we have tested all for about a month, we're deploying this new build as an Open Beta first, to be sure that no problems arise when making new "official" full installers.
IMPORTANT: due the many changes involved with this release, the installer resets your Load Manager options and installed aircrafts: be sure to read the included PDF installation guide before upgrading to learn how to export and import all of them again into this new version!
The main new feature is the EFB addition and its included apps (more details can be found in the included EFB Manual and EFB Flight Tutorial), but this build includes a bunch of fixes and enhancements to further rise the bar of our simulation; just to name a few:
- Flight dynamics fine tuning (including new LOC/CAP logic, calibrated thrust reverse power, new custom yaw damper/autorudder logic);
- A brand new "Realistic mode": more details on the included Quick Guide;
- New "light" failures;
- Graphics enhancements, including PBR texturing, a gentle dirt layer on displays and effects fine tuning;
- A new "always pause at TOD" option, as requested by many;
- Revision of all 82/83/88 weights and new PFPX profiles (remember to replace your old ones, and check that weights are correctly set in PFPX/Simbrief for your saved airframes, as detailed int the documentation);
All this said, the big news is not just the EFB itself, but how we modeled it: just like you would expect from the Leonardo SH team, it's a piece of art.
It simulates a real tablet, and it's really easy to use: it has been developed around the concept of "apps", and features some cool tools that will make your pilot's life easier:
- finally, a proper Performance module is now capable of calculating all necessary data for all variants and engine options;
- a brand new Electronic Aircraft Technical Log will help you managing all maintenance tasks and failures; this isn't just a nice application but a perfect replica of a real EATL that you will need to check and use for reporting malfunctions as you would in a real aircraft, and brings a whole new level of realism to our product;
- you will be able to load your OFP directly from the EFB from the Weight and Balance app, without the need of opening the Load Manager before the simulator to import your flight data and set payload/fuel;
- for those owning a Navigraph subscription, there's a nice Charts application ready to use.
It's all detailed in the included pdf guides, speaking of which are all available inside the document's reader app in the EFB;
We think this is the best Fly the Maddog X release to date, and we're sure you will enjoy it.
We're going to have our summer holidays starting next week, so you could experience a bit of delay in support.
We'll be back in September and yes, we do have plans for a MSFS2020 version .
Blue skies and happy summer everyone!
>> P3D v4.4/4.5 - 1.7b722 - DOWNLOAD PAGE <<
>> P3D v5 - 1.7b722 - DOWNLOAD PAGE <<
64bit edition - P3D v5 HF2 **********************************************************
1.6b571 -> 1.7b722 incremental upgrade
- new yaw damper/autorudder logic added;
- EFB added;
- EFB and PMS 2D panels added;
- new "realistic mode" added;
- new GPU auto-disconnect logic added;
- new air unit auto-connect logic, basing on OAT;
- additional failures implemented;
- new GSX sync logic;
- EFB model added;
- PBR fine tuning and textures update;
- new option to enable the EFB added;
- new "always pause at TOD" option added;
- new "realistic mode" option added;
- EFB manual added;
- EFB tutorial added.>>>>[FIXED]
- decreased manual trim speed;
- VOR/LOC/ILS CAP/TRK logic revision;
- reverser thrust tuning;
- flight dynamics tuning;
- NAV lights tuning;
- internal cockpit shaders from external view tuning;
- effects tuning;
- PFPX profile files updated to reflect latest weights revision;
- Quick Guide updated to include latest changes;
- User Manual updated to include latest changes;
- OM Vol II ch. 5 updated with RCAM and MOTNE tables;
- Normal Checklist revision to include EFB reference;
- Procedures Guide revision to include EFB reference;
- List of Documents updated;
- PFPX profile tables updated with latest weights revision.64bit edition - P3D v4.4/v4.5 **********************************************************
1.6b571 -> 1.7b722 incremental upgradeOPEN BETA
- new yaw damper/autorudder logic added;
- EFB added;
- EFB and PMS 2D panels added;
- new "realistic mode" added;
- new GPU auto-disconnect logic added;
- new air unit auto-connect logic, basing on OAT;
- additional failures implemented;
- new GSX sync logic;
- EFB model added;
- PBR fine tuning and textures update;
- new option to enable the EFB added;
- new "always pause at TOD" option added;
- new "realistic mode" option added;
- EFB manual added;
- EFB tutorial added.>>>>[FIXED]
- decreased manual trim speed;
- VOR/LOC/ILS CAP/TRK logic revision;
- reverser thrust tuning;
- flight dynamics tuning;
- PFPX profile files updated to reflect latest weights revision;
- Quick Guide updated to include latest changes;
- User Manual updated to include latest changes;
- OM Vol II ch. 5 updated with RCAM and MOTNE tables;
- Normal Checklist revision to include EFB reference;
- Procedures Guide revision to include EFB reference;
- List of Documents updated;
- PFPX profile tables updated with latest weights revision.Fly the Maddog X Support & Community Forums -
Aber dafür haben wir immer Wind
Die Höhenmeter mache ich wenn ich das Rad aus dem Keller hole
dat is dat platte Land
aus Leipzig von der Volga Dnepr Group
das sind alles -400er, sowohl von Atran als auch CargoLogic Germany.
ohh...na von der Autobahn sieht man das nicht so genau
PMDG hat den Frachter so gut wie fertig. $29,99 soll die Expansion kosten:
schick schick.... gibt es da schon so viele Operators? Kenne nur die aus Leipzig von der Volga Dnepr Group
Spencer Brown
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Eben auf Twitter gelesen, hier der AvH Bericht.
India Express B738 at Kozhikode on Aug 7th 2020, overran runway and fell into valley
in Genf (Aerosoft) fährt der Koffer Träger über die RWY .... ja Grütziiii....
Ach so, sorry Prepar3d v4.5 professional.
Den Rest muss ich morgen mal nachschauen und testen. Danke
Mach ich mal Danke