Sieht schon nett aus, aber eigentlich möchte ich nicht wirklich auf FSGRW verzichten.
Ein Update zum P3D-Status wäre auch mal nett, es war ja ursprünglich für Q1 2014 angekündigt.
PMDG Boeing 777-200LR/-300ER
Maik -
24. März 2012 um 13:19
aber eigentlich möchte ich nicht wirklich auf FSGRW verzichten.
"Late in development of the PMDG 777-200LR/F, we decided to offer weather engines a way to push data to the 777 so that users could get forecast data from any weather engine they chose, so long as the engine author pushed the data out in the format the 777 needed."Betrifft sicherlich nicht nur METAR, sondern auch das WX
Naja, ich glaube kaum dass HifiSim - falls es denn jetzt wirklich stimmt - einfach so rausposaunt was die da gecoded haben dass das jetzt auf einmal funktioniert. Deshalb wird FSGRW sich auch noch ein wenig den Kopf darüber zerbrechen MÜSSEN, was wiederum zwangsläufig dauert. Und wieder mal lautet die Devise: Abwarten...
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Wie bereits gesagt, 50€ ist mir das WXR dann auch wieder nicht wert. Notfalls warte ich
Ich glaube jetzt dürften alle Zweifel beseitigt sein
Oh how we have had a day full of laughs yesterday!
Over the weekend, we played a little joke on our beta team by telling them that since a few folks in this forum had griped about the fact that we are making the 300ER a priority over the 200ER, that we had decided to cancel the 300ER completely and simply move the resources to the 747-400v2.0....
(I'm not naming any names, but Forum Favorite Luke Pubari took that bait and ran the line out to the very end... We hadn't had that good a laugh on the beta team in some time...)
That got us to discussing the fact that we hadn't played a good April Fools' Day joke on you all since that famous morning when PMDG was purchased by the Boeing Company in 2011... (Classic!)
So just about the time I had decided that we were going to "cancel the 300ER" as our April Fools' Day joke- Ryan pondered out loud: "Wouldn't it be funny if we showed them weather radar and the datalink without telling them it was real?"
Me: "But it IS real...."
Ryan: "Yeah... But they don't know that. If we throw the picture up there without comment, they'll think it is an April Fools' Joke..."
And thus we decided to have some Good Old Fashioned Fun™. :))
Last night as we were preparing some images, we wound up discussing how many times folks in this forum have seen a kollsman setting or a heading or an altitude selection and decided that it was a hidden message regarding our release dates or future products.... (Yes- we always wind up scratching our head over such things...) Which of course caused me and Ryan to decide that it was time to ACTUALLY mess with the contents of the image in order to have some fun.
And that was how PMDG's April Fools' Joke 2014 became truly epic: The April Fools' Day prank was the prank itself... It was recursive- which of course tickles the funny bone of a company full of programmers.
Okay- now you all start being nice to one another- we saw some really crazy comments in that thread and at least a few of you should be ashamed of yourselves <snicker> but thank you for making us laugh!
(And hey- if we all can't have a bit of fun now and then... what is the fun in THAT?!)
Oh- before I go-shown is the UNDOCTORED image!
Die bei PMDG scheinen sich ja zu richtigen Spassvögeln zu entwickeln
Mir gefällt deren Ansatz! "Lass uns den Buben doch einfach die Wahrheit sagen. Das glauben sie nie!"
fliegt eigentlich jemand von euch mit Random failures bei der NGX oder 777?
fliege mit aktiven Random Failures bei 777 und der NGX
Ich BIN ein fliegender Random Failures bei 777. Zählt das auch?
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"What Could Possibly Take So Long?!"
Mal ein paar Worte vom Cheffe...
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Noch eins von Froogle!
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Update von Herrn Randazzo.
Captains-We continue to make progress with the various items we still feel are "show stoppers" on the SP1 side.
I'm going to paste a (huge) change list for items that are already cleared for inclusion into SP1- as I think it is mostly complete. There are a few items left that we are still tuning, and these have to do with certain control logic inside the FBW system during speed transitions, etc.
This particular area of the airplane is not well documented, I would suspect because it is highly proprietary- and as such we have had to corroborate experimentation in the full sim and FTD with feedback from the flight crew on our tech team, some Flight Test folks, and a couple of engineers who have a rather extraordinary amount of knowledge on the topic.
I wish I could tell you that it was easy to sort out the differences of opinion on the topic- but it isn't... Needless to say it is fairly obvious that we gave too much sway to the engineering descriptions of behavior in the release build- and it has been a b**tch (Sorry, Tom!) working backward toward where we are now.
It is working nicely- but still has some rough edges to sand down- and it is taking time...
One area that is getting quite a bit of attention right now is teaching the autopilot how to handle turbulence more gracefully. FSX turbulence is... well... a joke... but we know that some users of various weather engines like to have this feature turned on- and we also know that we push the FSX flight modeling well beyond what it was designed for- so our airplanes don't always play well with the make-believe FSX turbulence.... So we are trying some things to allow better interaction here. No promises - but we are trying...
Normally at this point I would cut free all other members of the development team to work on the 400v2.0- but instead we are doing an all-hands effort to look for optimizations, error check save-state conditions and that sort of thing- just to make sure we don't prolong any problems that aren't glamorous enough to get full attention during other phases of development.
We sent another build out to the test team over the weekend, and another will go out later this week. (Tomorrow or Wednesday) but I *still* think we have a few more builds to go before we hit one that we will like. This is tough because it is a "feel" thing, and sometimes you make progress and other times you don't.... (It isn't fun...)
The good news? Oh my is it coming along nicely.
We are prepping the 300ER to go out to the beta team with the next SP1 update now as well. Some folks have expressed some concerns that the 300ER was being held up by the SP1 and this really hasn't been true in one sense since we never intended to release the 300ER without the SP1. To us they are essentially one large update because the functionality changes that we add to allow the 300ER to operate are part of the development cycle that brings in all the changes for SP1...
(Confused yet?)
What this means is that you need the SP1 version to run the 300ER, but you don't need the 300ER to get SP1... We do this intentionally...
So- with the 400v2.0, you can bet your peanuts and beer that we are going to push micro-updates via the Operations Center. This elongated SP1 development cycle has taken a bite out of everyone's enthusiasm. We really didn't expect it to take this long- but unfortunately when we realized we had to make some core changes to the flight control logic- it did really start a layering problem that was very hard to overcome.
We are almost there- and your patience is appreciated. (And with all the extra functionality the other devs on the team have packed in- it is going to be rewarded as well!)
Quelle :…1300er-updates/
Wenn Randazzo schon anfängt, wöchentliche Updates zu posten, hat er richtig Muffensausen
Ich glaub der weiss ganz genau, dass das ein Riesenmist ist mit der langen wartezeit fürs SP.
Werde mir die 300ER auch garnicht mehr holen. Wird sicherlich noch ein paar anderen so gehen, die sich bereits daran gewöhnt haben die 200LR als Ersatz einzusetzen. Lieber warte ich dann auf die 747.
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Dann ist wenigstens ein Slot mehr Platz auf dem Server
Also man kann sagen was man will, aber die PMDG Produkte sind einfach das Beste was es auf diesem Niveau von Addon gibt. Da kann es von mir noch 3 Monate dauern, aber dann habe ich ein Produkt was einfach funktioniert und sogar noch mehr als das. Aber jeder setzt seine Prioritäten anders
neue screens vom wetterradar, SP1 ist jetzt endgültig in Beta
Was steht denn da? Ohne sich da jetzt extra anmelde zu müssen...