Ground Env. X von Flight One :).
World of Tui
Was würden manche Leute bloß ohne IAN machen?
IAN -> Integrated Approach Navigation
Integrated Approach Navigation
(IAN) is an approach option designed for airlines that want to use
ILS-like pilot procedures, display features, and autopilot control
laws for nonprecision (Category I) approaches. This option does
not require additional ground facility support.
The FMC transmits IAN
deviations to the autopilot and display system. The pilot procedures
for IAN are derived from current ILS pilot procedures and are consistent
for all approach types: Select the approach on the FMC control display
unit, tune the appropriate station, and arm the autopilot approach
mode. The IAN function supports the ILS for glideslope inoperative,
localizer only, and backcourse approach types.The IAN function will
alert the crew to approach selection or tuning inconsistencies.
For example, if an ILS station is tuned and an area navigation (RNAV)
approach also is selected on the FMC, the flight crew will be alerted
and the ILS approach mode will take precedence automatically, with
the appropriate display format.
While the IAN display
(fig. 3) is
similar to an ILS display, there are sufficient visual differences
to ensure that the crew does not confuse a nonprecision IAN approach
for a precision ILS or GLS approach (fig.
4). As on all nonprecision approaches, the altimeter is the
primary method of ensuring that altitude constraints are honored.
Quelle:…ch_story.html#3Kann man hier ( gut an den PFD Indications FAC (Final Approach Course) und G/P (Glidepath) erkennen. Und nicht zuletzt daran, dass er schief zur Bahn anfliegt. Bei einem ILS Anflug würde auf dem PFD LOC und G/S stehen.
Über die Sonstige Config (Flaps, VREF, etc) wollen wir mal hinwegsehen... -
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Ist der Finger oben, wird man dich Loben. Gut gemacht, Jemmenido
Out of 18
Swiss A320, der vor uns aus Frankfurt raus ist
Kurz vor den Kanaren
Im Sinkflug mit einem letzten Blick auf Fuerte
Nach der Landung
Obligatorischer "darf ich mal ins Cockpit gucken?"-Shot