Aerosoft Airbus X - A32X Family & A330
- Aerosoft
Goof -
20. Oktober 2011 um 12:29
Dauert hoffentlich nicht mehr zu lange, bis sie es releasen.
laut dem Matjes solls diese Woche rauskommen
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Version 1.10 wurde released und kann entsprechend für DL-Version-Besitzer aus der Bestellhistorie und für Box-Inhaber aus dem Supportbereich heruntergeladen werden.
Die Finale feature Liste:
Added: Missing APU word in Lower ECAM FUEL page.
Changed: More realistic GND IDLE N1 (idle N1 now varies according to Pressure Altitude).
Changed: TLA at idle now commands a 20% N1.
Fixed: A321 Lower ECAM Door Page.
Fixed: ATHR needle not commands flight idle not 0 % N1.
Fixed: Lower ECAM LAND ELEV was wrong.
Fixed: N1 Needle to be at the bottom of arc when below 20% N1.
Fixed: Under certain condition the Landing Memo appeared during takeoff.
Fixed: Under certain conditions the LDG MEMO was being displayed during climb.MCDU (left)
Added: It is now possible to save and reuse company route flight plans to which single waypoints manually have been added. If you want manually to add a waypoint just enter it into the scratchpad and then press the respective LSK L before which existing waypoint this new one should be added.
Changed: DME Arcs Entry and Exit significantly reworked.
Changed: TP now curved, will form a curved line to the Great Circle Line.
Changed: Track from a fix for a Distance and Track from a fix to a DME Distance legs completely reworked.
Fixed: All PBD issues.
Fixed: DIR TO issue resulting in flashing line.
Fixed: LNAV lost when going to NAT waypoint issue.
Fixed: Navdata reading issue associated with Navigraph.
Fixed: INCPT does not keep moving around now.PFD
Added: Added V1 and V2 Indications.
Added: ALT Armed Magneta added for CSTRs.
Added: Metric Alt added
Added: Several new FMA added related to VDEV for Non-ILS Approaches.
Changed: GS now always remain active once GS is captured once.
Changed: VDEV(or also known as green dot) added, RNAV still not fully supported yet though.
Fixed: Alt numbers on alt tape now turns orange when passing through MDA/DH
Fixed: CAT X / DUAL / SINGLE Word removed when non-ILS Approach
Fixed: GS* Active and GS Armed at the same time Fixed.
Fixed: MDA now does not auto degrade to CAT1 with AP ON.
Fixed: STD/QNH flashing reworked to FCOM.
Fixed: VSI negative indication removed.
Fixed: When on ground, FD bars dont appear till thrust levers at or above CL.ND
Added: DECEL point added on ND
Fixed: ND items flickering when operating very close to the equator fixed.
Fixed: ND items behind datum line (IDL) were not displayed correct until passing that longitudeFDE
Changed: Major revision to Lift/Drag Model, more accurate climb/descends, acceleration/deceleration.
Changed: New Flaps model, revised lift/drag.Checklist- / Copilot Functionality
Fixed: After Start CL / THS setting; there were problems with the trim position if the distance to the set point was too big.
Fixed: MDA; The Descent Preparation CL did not recognize if MDA was used (MCDU PERF APPR page) instead of DH. Now solved i. e. also MDA is recognized.
Fixed: User States Doors; if a user state has been saved the situation of the left passenger doors as well as of all right cargo doors were not saved. Now those states are also saved.
Changed: FINAL Checklist; The Final CL activation now is independent from the activation of the MCDU PERF APPR mode activation. The FINAL checklist will be automatically started under the following conditions: Distance to runway > 30 NM Flight path is > 90 degrees compared to the runway course
Changed: Deceleration Pseudo- waypoint Automatic activation of APPR mode
APPR phase is automatically activated at the DECEL pseudo waypoint provided that NAV mode is engaged and altitude is below 7.200 feet AGL. The (DECEL) pseudo waypoint is calculated by the FMGC to initiate deceleration in order to be stabilized at VAPP at a specified point on the approach profile, normally at 1000 feet AGL.
The Deceleration point is now displayed on the ND (magenta circle). The APPR mode should have been activated before reaching this point. Passing the DECEL pseudo waypoint the APPR mode automatically will be activated.
Changed: Landing Memo; The conditions for the Landing Memo are: > 2000 feet RA above runway altitude & Flight mode: Cruise or Approach
Changed: High Altitude Airports; There are high altitude airports like Quito / Ecuador at an altitude of app. 9.000 feet. Using the Copilot functionality caused problems during CLIMB as well as DESCENT. Therefore for such airports (< 5.000 feet) the functionality has been changed as follows: During the CLIMB CL the 10.000 feet call is omitted and the landing lights are switched off by the copilot after the Baro Check at the transition level. During the DESCENT also already at the transition level (< 10.000 feet) the Landing Lights as well as Landing System are set to ON by the copilot.
Changed: TCAS; The checklist and copilot functionality now will be changed so TILT in the "AFTER TO CL" will stay on ABV but the checklist now also accepts ALL. In the CRUISE CL if necessary the copilot then sets the TILT to ALL (if not previously done by the user).
Added: Baro Checks during Descent Checklist; The Landing Elevation Check as part of the Descent Preparation Checklist has been disabled i. e. it is not mandatory anymore to fill the QNH-field in the MCDU PERF APPR page. But if a value is entered the unit used (inHg or hPa) must be identical with the settings the FCU QNH display. If the unit is later Changedd the value in MCDU PERF APPR page automatically will be adjusted.
The following situations have been checked and are normally used during the DESCENT and APPROACH checklist:
1. Copilot ON MCDU PERF APPR page: QNH value available = Copilot enters this value into the FCU QNH-display
2. Copilot ON MCDU PERF APPR page: QNH value not available = Copilot uses the ambient pressure value like pressing on the keyboard and enters this value into the FCU QNH-display
3. Copilot OFF MCDU PERF APPR page: QNH value available = User himself enters manually the QNH-value into the FCU QNH display
4. Copilot OFF MCDU PERF APPR page: QNH value not available = User himself enters manually the value of the destination airport into the FCU QNH display
5. Copilot OFF MCDU PERF APPR page: QNH value not available = User himself uses [B] from the keyboard to automatically enter the ambient pressure value.
Changed: ACFT STATE TAXI - Selected Altitude; If the user forgets to enter a first altitude the copilot (if used) automatically enters during TAXI an altitude of 7.000 feet.
Changed: ACFT STATE TAKEOFF Selected Altitude; When loading the TAKE OFF aircraft state the FCU altitude was set to 100 feet. Now the minimum selected altitude is already set to 28.000 feet.
Fixed: CHECKLIST INFOBAR; If the user started Engine 2 before getting the permission by the Ground Crew, the information on the infobar START ENGINE 2 remained.
Changed: BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST; The checklist started automatically when the runway holding point was passed. If the copilot was not used this sometimes caused stress and got problems because during immediate takeoff the checklist was still running and collided with the TAKEOFF checklist. Therefore the plane now has to be fully stopped after passing the runway holding point to automatically start the checklist. Manually it still can be started at any point using [1] from the keyboard.
Added: TAKEOFF with FLAPS 3; The copilot functionality has been adopted so that takeoff with flaps 3 now is also possible.
Changed: TURNAROUND; There have been problems with the automatic TURNAROUND aircraft state after the PARKING CL had been finished i.e. flaps and groundspoilers ARM did not work as required. Problem should be solved now.
Changed: Cockpit Preparation CL after Turnaround; The cockpit preparation CL after Turnaround has been modified i. e. certain procedure checks will be omitted like Batteries, External Power and Navigation Lights etc. More details in the Vol6 StepbyStep Guide.
Fixed: ECAM STATUS CHECK; If the CLR button is ON it is necessary previously to confirm a warning message.MCDU (right)
Changed: DEFAULT AIRCRAFT STATES; The default aircraft state CRUISE has been deleted (due to problems with the AP status and data) and instead a new default state TURNAROUND has been added. This state is the same than the settings after the PARKING checklist has been finished and the plane is set back for a new turn.
Changed: USER STATES (SAVE and LOAD); There had been problems with saved / loaded user states and the status of the MCDU (left). Some MCDU fields were not automatically filled respectively looked and behaved different compared to the MCDU after using a standard ACFT STATE like p. e. DARK & COLD. Those problems now have been solved.
Changed: SOUND OPTIONS; The sound volume in the cockpit can now be set to LOW or NORMAL. LOW means that the sound for Batteries, Cooling and Avionics are reduced by 15%.Fuel Planner
Added: Balance has been added (relation between Trim and Center of Gravity).
Changed: Fuel loaded now changes according to weight of aircraft.
Changed: New layout.Miscellaneous
Added: 100 above and Minimum callouts.
Added: Airbus X Options Configurator added.
Added: More Sharklet Models.
Added: Revised AutoPilot Mode Reversions.
Changed: Autothrust Disconnect button on the throttles of the real airbus linked to Default FSX ATHR Arm.
Changed: FBW Slight revision to pitch sensitivity done.
Changed: GSX Pushback does not interfere with rudder.
Changed: Much Improved RollOut when AutoLand.
Changed: VC Click spot for trim now changed to non-standard.
Changed: Fightplans now in separate files.
Fixed: Flaps 1 (and associated auto mechanism) now properly simulated.
[b]Fixed: Most Turnaround problems fixed. na dann -
muss ich das alte deinstalliern?
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Ich hab einfach die neue Version drübergepengt, lief beim ersten Flug auch relativ problemlos (soweit man halt beim Airbus X von problemlos reden kann
Deinstallieren wär aber vielleicht doch gar nicht so übel. Luftweich sagt dazu auch "Da diese Version viele Änderungen mit sich bringt, haben wir uns dazu
entschlossen sie ausschließlich als neue Vollversion zu veröffentlichen.
Demnach ist es empfehlenswert vor der Installation Ihre vorige Version
zu deinstallieren." -
VNAV sieht jetzt ganz ordentlich aus. gerade eben nen vnav descend mit shortcut zu nem anderen wegpunkt und die Karre levelt perfekt aus. Überrascht mich^^
Stimmt. der Descent klappt jetzt. Allerdings zieht der jetzt auch mehr Frames als vorher, oder täusche ich mich da?
Langsam weiss ich nicht mehr weiter... Folgendes Problem hab ich mit dem Airbus (das einzige, was mich an der mühle eigentlich stört.. tritt fast bei jedem flug auf, dne ich nachts durchführe.)
Licht aus, sidestick links da...
Licht an...
sidestick weg, einige andere knöpfe verschwinden einfach, FCU wird nciht mehr beleuchtet...
Hier sieht man noch, wie die lichtschalter "verschwinden"
Any ideas on this?
Wenn ich das in den griff bekomme, dann wär ich zufrieden
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Licht auslassen
super idee.. Noch ne alternative?
Vielleicht stimmt irgendwas mit den Nachttexturen nicht? Fehlende Texturen?
texture.cfg nicht korrekt? Sowas könnte ich mir vorstellen. Tritt das auch bei den Liveries auf, die von Haus aus dabei sind? -
Jop. Das phänomen tritt random auf egal ob "Standard-Livery" oder third party. Dem Mathjes sein kok meinte, dass es ein Memory problem sein könnte, aber das glaub ich ehrlich gesagt nicht, da es sowohl auf default airports als auch auf airports wie FSDT Vancouver gleichermassen auftritt, ohne OOM...
Bei mir behauptet er auch er würde ein paar soundfiles nicht finden und hängt den gesamten flusi weg... Vielleicht noch mal auf nen bugfix warten.
Hab jetzt mal probehalber ne neue fsx.cfg erstellen lassen und die "standard-tweaks" eingefügt (highmemfix etc...) Mal sehen ob es was tut
edit: Beim ersten load up in Vancouver (selbes paint wie vorhin) gings erstma.. Ich beobachte das mal weiter, vllt hat sich da wirklich nur irgendwas in die cfg eingeschlichen, was das texturenachladen oder irgendsowas blockiert hat.
Edit: Läuft... weiss net was da gepfuscht hat
Hoffentlich hält das an, weil ich den eierbus eigentlich echt gerne flieg.
Gibt es eigentlich mittlerweile Austauschsounds für die Stimme des Piloten?
Seit dem letzten Update ist die Aussprache doch sehr... nun... eingedeutscht. -