Alpha India Group macht erstmal dicht.....

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Das passiert, wenn man Dinge unter anderem Namen ins Netz stellt (copyright):


    Alpha India Group has been forced into what we hope will be temporary closure by the actions of Salvador Gonzalez Velasco, CEO of ICE AI Traffic which has been available in successive versions here 10 days ago, a post in our forums drew attention to ICE AI Traffic, which used the work of many freeware AI developers without their permission. In over a week of discussion, in which AIG team members have worked hard to resolve the matter, Salvador Gonzalez Velasco has engaged lawyers and repeatedly threatens legal action which could have the effect of denying AIG team members the right to determine where their own work may and may not be distributed. In his latest e-mail, Salvador Gonzalez Velasco has demanded the right to modify AIG work and publish it without giving credit to the original author. AIG have taken a collective decision to let Salvador Gonzalez Velasco and the community at large see the consequences ignoring our rights will have. Unfortunately, we are unable to release any further flightplans, paints, voicepack files or airports whilst our team members' ownership of the intellectual copyright of their own work is disputed by this individual. If this is not resolved satisfactorily very quickly, we fully intend to have our files removed from Avsim and Flightsim to protect our rights and the product of endless hours of our free time. We regret the disruption for our many supporters and we will restore our web site and forums as soon as this is resolved. AIG encourages our forum members to let Salvador Gonzalez Velasco know their views on his blog at or by e-mail to and

    :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

    Unglaublich! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In over a week of discussion, in which AIG team members have worked hard to resolve the matter, Salvador Gonzalez Velasco has engaged lawyers and repeatedly threatens legal action which could have the effect of denying AIG team members the right to determine where their own work may and may not be distributed. In his latest e-mail, Salvador Gonzalez Velasco has demanded the right to modify AIG work and publish it without giving credit to the original author.

    Moment mal, verstehe ich das richtig? Dieser Herr bedient sich fremden Eigentums und kommt dann auch noch mit Anwälten um die Ecke?

  • Verdammter Mist - das ist die beste Seite mit AI-Flugplänen. DIE QUELLE für alles was in die RIchtung geht. Hoffe die kommen bald wieder online - wär stark zu hoffen :hail:

    Gruss Flo
    WIN 10 64, I7 8700K 6x3,70 GHz , 16GB RAM, GeForce® GTX 1080Ti 11GB, P3D V4.5

  • Kann es sein das der Gonzalez auf dem Blog ein klitzeklein wenig übertreibt?


    Vossi: »Och nö, n Ground - i mog ned mit dem ren!« Basti: »Mach doch No Voice, No Keyboard - und Abfahrt!«

    » Ein abgefackter russische Freewareplatz - oder wieder der Berliner sagt: Tegel, wa? «

    - Matthias D., Kind der Mauer

  • Forum ist zumindestens wieder offen seit heute Nacht mit kleiner Erklärung inbegriffen. Aber ausgestanden ist das ganze noch nicht wirklich.

    Gruss Flo
    WIN 10 64, I7 8700K 6x3,70 GHz , 16GB RAM, GeForce® GTX 1080Ti 11GB, P3D V4.5