Neues KuMi Ziel gefunden - Dhulia Airport, India

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    Das ist doch mal eine geile Desti :thumbup: Dhulia Airport, India



    File Description:
    its always interesting and enjoyable to taxi an aircraft thru tight areas,and especially when a taxiway is surrounded by trees like Eucalyptus,capable of attaining a height that can range anywhere between 6fts to 300fts! after a short evening flight from Mumbai you've just landed at small airport at Dhulia(India) and vacated the runway, AND you've just spotted a hanger, good! that's were you want to be, but hey! it's already occupied. now what?.Well..good news! there is another hanger, but were? can't even see were taxiway is leading to because of dense trees. Can you find the Hanger? surely you don't want to leave your cessna under open sky for whole night long or do you?


     Freeware, limited distribution 
    Added: 10th May 2011 
    Author: Ashish Singh 