Musst die Maßeinheiten vor dem Flug im Configurator umstellen.
oh ok, danke @MaxM
also im Flug keine chance mehr?
Musst die Maßeinheiten vor dem Flug im Configurator umstellen.
oh ok, danke @MaxM
also im Flug keine chance mehr?
Geht nicht mehr.
Leider nein. Leider garnicht.
Ne geht nicht mehr, nur vor dem Flug. Ätsch.
Ich hätte mal eine Frage zum FMC: Ist es korrekt, dass die FPL Page im FMC immer die komplette Route drin lässt von Abflug bis zur Landung und nicht wie bei Boeing und Airbus nur den letzten Wegpunkt anzeigt und die kommenden? Also es wird auch vor der Landung im FMC auf der FPL immer noch die ganze Route angezeigt und ich muss mich durchklicken bis zum aktuellen Waypoint.
Kurz: ja.
Selbst wenn du n direct drückst, bleiben die vorherigen Routenpunkte erhalten.
Danke Euch für die Info!
1.17 (KEIN P3Dv3 Update!)
Zitat von MajesticAlles anzeigen+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++llllllllll+NOTICE TO AIRMEN+llllllllll+++++++++
30SEP_UFN MJC v1.017We are happy to release the new version of the MJC8Q400 PILOT edition as open (stable) beta. This update includes a number of changes to the systems, FMS, documentation and the general behavior of the add-on. The update is available via SUPPORT->USER AREA.
List of changes posted below:
MJC8Q400 Version 1.017 PILOT edition patch for FSX and Prepar3D V2.x and FSX Steam
This patch must be installed over the MJC8Q400 pilot edition version 1.016
Fixed issues list since Version 1016 PILOT edition
+ Added ALT OFF mode on pitch wheel change during ALT mode
+ Changing pre-selected altitude in ALT Acquire mode will re-select ALTSEL and engage the PITCH mode
+ EGPWS: bank angle test will not be performed if already done prior to saving the situation
+ Main Gear: Included the blown tyre simulation and breaking alterations on hard touchdown
+ Pressurization: Opening emergency hatch will depressurize the aircraft
+ Pressurization: Bleed air packs will be able to provide the air to the other side air-condition units
+ Electrics: APU DC Gen Voltage reduced by 0.5V to simulate correct load
+ Electrics: STBY Battery will no longer disconnect from LEFT MAIN BUS during battery assisted engine start
+ Electrics: Fixed strobes and position lights working without power
+ Electrics: AUX PUMP will no longer be able to operate without AC power
+ Electrics: IAS Mismatch will cause Elevator Trim and Elevator Feel C/Ls to come on
+ MTOP button- an alternate function is implemented
+ ADC: ADC will restore the last qnh after test
+ Hydraulics: Normal braking and steering will no longer work without hydraulics
+ AFCS: AFCS mode Acquire flag in LNAV mode only comes when LNAV is engaged
+ Antiice: Fixed the airframe - boot inflation sequence on the wings step 3
+ Sound: Modified Engine sounds to make the Nh sound cone prop rpm dependent
+ Sound: Chime will only repeat after previous chime ended (Seat belts case)
+ Fixed the PVOR page
+ Added Crossfill progress indication
+ TUNE Page is fully re-designed
+ Holding will correctly terminate if PROCEED is allowed upon the next passing of the holding waypoint
+ Info page: Fixed the bug of forcing every waypoint to be of type NAV, added the correct waypoint type identification
+ ListAirways page: Fixed incorrect airway to waypoint designation
+ VNAVPage: Fixed VNAV offset functionality
+ VNAVPage: Target VS indication will be replaced with VS estimate with 45 seconds intervals during VNAV operation
+ VNAVPage: Fixed VNAV disconnect message on Cruise mode activation
+ FPLPage, FPLTemplate, LISTPage: each next fpl page will begin with the last waypoint from the previous page
+ FPLDepart, FPLArrive pages will show the last data. Added MENU function
+ FPLArrive: Cursor will move to approach select line after STAR is selected
+ FPL: Fixed the NO LINK indication
+ FPL: Manually entered altitude for waypoint will read as @
+ FPL: Disallow entering the altitude less than specified at waypoints with restriction @orAbove
+ FPL SUMMARY: Fixed local time calculation
+ Fuel Page 1: Changing average pax weight on fuel menu page will update pax total weight on fuel page 1
+ Fuel page 1: total reserve will show is all 3 (alternate, holding, reserve) exist (0 or more entered)
+ Fuel page 1: Default setting for Fuel entry is "total"
+ replaced Hydraulic STBY and PTU pushlights with newer versions
+ PFD: WPT alerts are magenta with inverse indication
+ PFD: Fixed AFCS warnings logic
+ PFD: Added DG AHRS mode annunciator
+ PFD: Altitude bug will turn to CYAN 300 feet from target altitude
+ PFD: Fixed the TCAS test IVSI indication
+ PFD: Barometric connection will default to 1013.25 (29.92In)
+ PFD: Flight Director is now centered inside the aircraft sign (not over it)
+ ND: FORMAT button will not reset the RANGE and DATA settings when alternating between MAP and ARC
+ ND: Color of the EGPWS elevation peaks will represent the color of the respective elevation
+ ED: Added AF TEST ABORTED message
+ ARCDU: Added timer to DIM/BRT function
+ ARCDU EXP and PG1/2 behavior fixed
+ ARCDU Removed ATC STBY setting from the ATC expanded page
+ ARCDU channel will switch to 1 after passing 8
+ Fixed manual pressure INC/DEC switch on the overhead panel, having opposite effect. Added spring-loaded function
+ Setting EFIS screens brightness to zero will not cause them to report a failure
+ Stby VHF panel: Fixed the fonts, implemented 888.88 indication on test
+ Gear horn switch left/right clicks for LEFT down, RIGHT up
+ Fixed tooltip on prop deice mode selector
+ Steering Caution Light is permanently off since we don't simulate castoring properly
+ Aligned FMS screen with LSKs on FMS Popup
+ Added support for engine start during GSX add-on -assisted pushback
+ Setting MSFS Engine1 and Engine2 Mixture according to engine running flag for other add-ons
+ Included the new Control Panel guide version
+ Ssystem Description guide includes the FPL WIND function
+ Added the Performance manual
+ Sample Flight guide is updated
+ MS Windows 10 compatibility- related modifications
The Majestic Software Team
Zum P3Dv3:
Majestic Software Dash 8-Q400 P3D v3 was just released today. The Q400 will work - but requires some fine tuning.
Alles anzeigen+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++llllllllll+NOTICE TO AIRMEN+llllllllll+++++++++
20151102_UFN MJC v1.017RC2...
This is yet another replacement of the previously released beta and RC1 versions of the patch. It can be installed over the 1.016 or 1.017 beta1/RC1 version Q400 PILOT edition
The changes have been added to the read-me file, which is shown at the end of the installation process, and listed at the end of this posting.
NOW: This is what "MANY" have been asking about and here is your chance to take a stab at a beta version of the Prepar3D V3.0 - compatible gauge dll file included in the /panel folder upon installation. If desired this gauge file can be renamed into mjc84_main.dll in order to check the operation of the aircraft under Prepar3D V3.0.
heißt v1.017RC2 drüber bügeln und dann die
mjc84_main.dll umbenennen?!
also hab jetzt die V1.016 frisch installiert, dann rc2 drübergebügelt, die dll umbenannt und tadaaaaa
geht net, also klar flieger läd usw aber ich kann nicht alle knöpfe und buttons usw drücken bzw in einer andere position bringen, auch das fmc lässt sich nicht einschalten...was eine schei**e eyyyy
fehler gefunden, kompatibler modus beim starten von v3 war falsch eingestellt
fehler gefunden, kompatibler modus beim starten von v3 war falsch eingestellt
Was genau meinst Du damit?
Admin Modus
The Online Virtual Pilots Association (OVPA) will host a one hour video broadcast on November 14th at 1900 GMT and will include the special announcement concerning the release of the Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Professional.
Es besteht die Chance, dass ein Ende in Sicht ist!
welche Nerds sind da denn vertreten?
Zitat von Majestic FacebookAlles anzeigenMJC Q400 OFFICIAL RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
At the beginning of the month we announced that the PRO Edition of the Q400 will be released sometime in November, and yes I know many began speculating when the actual date would be.
Well the Boss has made it official - that after 5 years of the Q400 PRO being in development, we plan on releasing this long awaited BEAST on the 18th of November (PROVIDING that there are not any last minute hang-ups).
For most, the only thing that you guys are awaiting is the Shared Cockpit functionality - so be sure to get up to speed on being proficient and able to properly handle the aircraft so that your CA or FO is not doing all the work by themselves.
Some of the other features to be expected are :
1. ASN weather radar integration
2. Service based failures
3. System Panel functions allowing the failures of the Electrical and hydraulic systems
4. HUD/HGS system integration
5. Autopilot Touch Control Steering
6. Alternate Gear Extension
7. 2D Panels
8. Panel State Options
9. Flight Control Optimization
10. Working Circuit Breaker Simulation
11. FMS ETP/PNR Functionality
We the Majestic Software Team (Oleksiy, Dimitri, Nicolai and Simeon) would like to thank all of our supporters - for without you all this venture would not have been possible.
Wird Zeit diesen Thread wieder zu aktivieren : ElitePilot: Flusianer mit Niveau
Ich freu mich!