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ZitatAlles anzeigenHello friends!
I'm trying to improve the textures for the sky color I created for the HDE v2 pack. The new sky colors looks good, but I was not completely satisfied. Soon I discovered that there was a fundamental aspect that would add an important point of realism. A sun glow that affects the sky, clouds, ground and other objects. There is a well known way to create something similar, but it produces undesirable effects such as cuts on the horizon when the haze gets more intense than the lower line of sky.
Then I had an idea, why not use one of the textures that composes the lens flare effect?The process I followed to get this visual effect it's the next:
1) Select one of several textures that form part of the composition of lens flare artifacts.
2) turned it into a circular gradient
3) Then I placed it in the exact center of the sun.
The red circle represents the sun glow effect.
As you can see in the first illustration, the glow left behind objects such as mountains, clouds ...
This is the aspect that always had the sun's glare in the simulator.
In the second picture you can see how the glow fx goes ahead of the objects, creating an effect more adequate to reality.
As this effect is part of the lens flare, you should have activated the lens flare in screen options. And as every lens flare, takes its maximum intensity when focusing the view in the sun.
And that's all. If you've been able to understand my disastrous English, you'll find it an easy trick.
Some screenshots:
With ENBseries mod and - new sun glow- activated:With ENBseries mod and without -new sun glow- activated:
Sun glow across the clouds:
The new Sun glow also affects the cirrus lighting. (without ENBseries mod)
A Couple of postsunset sky:I'm still working on it so more pictures will come... thanks for watching
Best regards.
Pablo Diaz.