Konkurrenz zu AES ??…(de_4424).phtml
Konkurrenz zu AES ??
Ich denke das es keine Konkurrenz zu AES ist, denn ich zitiere direkt:
Best used with default airports.
Just remove a your addon airport from your settings, then scenery library in the game, temporarily.
Custom Addon Airport Confliction!
If you want to use your addon instead. Just remove the Animated gates 2010 Airport from your game scenery library.
Making my project work with addon scenery is not always possible. I would have to remove bgl's from payware addons. This would look horrible and be wrong to do. Most payware addons have really nice gates. So where ever you have a conflict. Just make a choice which to keep. Somtimes you can use both."
Wer will schon seine Addons deaktivieren um dann auf einem default FS9 Airport die Animation haben zu wollen?
Es klingt gut und ich hätte auch zugeschlagen aber nur mit Addon Airports
Jo, den Sinn davon hab ich auch angezweifelt in der Hinsicht^^