Thx...! Guter Beitrag, und er klang für mich auch sehr schlüssig.
Woher hast du dies Insiderwissen? Bist du in der "Luftkampfbranche" tätig?
Thx...! Guter Beitrag, und er klang für mich auch sehr schlüssig.
Woher hast du dies Insiderwissen? Bist du in der "Luftkampfbranche" tätig?
Nein, schon ein jahrelanges Hobby und zwei Abiturskollegen sind aktivst in dieser Branche tätig, der Vater war auch Jagdflieger, und man lernt sehr viel, wenn man sich in internationalen Fachmagazinen informiert.
Danke für diese informativen Beiträge. Das Profil von oben erinnert mich allerdings stark an die F-22. Man wird sehen was die Zukunft bringt.
Das Profil von oben erinnert mich allerdings stark an die F-22.
Eher an die YF- 23
Wollen die das Ding tatsächlich vom Träger fliegen lassen....
Da stinkt der Superbug und die Lightning granatenmäßig ab..........
Wenn es wirklich so ist, wie du es schreibst, dann wollen wir mal hoffen, dass an der weiteren Entspannungspolitik (v.a.) zwischen den USA und Russland auch wirklich was dran ist.
Ansonsten, sind die Russen nur zu beglückwünschen, die scheinen da ja nen netten Flieger auf die Beine, pardon, aufs Fahrwerk gestellt zu haben.
Vor allem wo der Westen de facto pleite ist......
Schaun wir uns mal das PAK-FA an:
Die T 50 ist ein no risk design,welches zeitgleich mit dem JSF auf den Weg gebracht und gestartet wurde. Da in Russland das Geld längst nicht so locker sitzt wie in den Staaten, und der Flieger ohne internationale Kooperation entwickelt wurde ( die Inder kamen erst später dazu....) , waren die Russen zu einem Aufbau auf bewährten Dingen gezwungen......
Ganz im Gegensatz zu den westlichen Staaten, wo immer mehr eine Neuerfindung des Rades Mode wurde, was letztendlich jeden Kosten- und Zeitrahmen explodieren liess. Rafale, Raptor, JSF und der Typhoon sind Musterbeipiele dafür. Wenn ich also davon ausgehe, daß bei der T 50 die gleichen Wege wie bei SU27- 35 und Mig 29- 35 beschritten wurden kann man folgende Merkmale herausstellen:
Woher kam das Geld für die Entwicklung des PAK- FA??
Sukhoi hat anscheinend die ganzen Gewinne aus Exportaufträgen in die Entwicklung gesteckt, und konnte deshalb zügig die Entwicklung vorantreiben, und musste nicht Entwicklungsschritte von der Bewillung öffentlicher Gelder abhängig machen. Programmstart war 2002 mit nem design freeze im Jahre 2004. Der russische Staat beteiligte sich erst ab ca 2005- 2006 finanziell an der Entwicklung.
Die Entwicklung des JSF ( F - 35 Lightning) startete bereits in den 90er Jahren und hat seitdem immer wieder mit extremen Problemen zu kämpfen, welche aufgrund des völlig neuen Designansatzes, den politischen Reibereien zwischen den Partnerländern sowie Entwicklungsproblemen zu immer wieder exorbitanten Verzögerungen führten, welche noch höhere Kosten verursachen.
Die Produktion der Rafale läuft auf Sparflamme um das Programm zu strecken, damit man die Montage offen halten und über die Jahre eventuell auf nen Exportauftrag hoffen kann.
Der Ef 2000 hatte seit Beginn Fianzierungs- und Kompetenzprobleme, bietet jedoch nen exzellenten Gegenwert für das ausgegebene Geld.
Wenn man sich verschiedene Entwurfsmerkmale des PAK-FAs anschaut kommt man zwangsläufig auf den Gedanken, daß die Russen schon seit dem Erscheinen der SU- 27schon ihre Bemühungen zum Ersatz des selbigen Musters unternommen haben.
Die MIG-MFI ist solch ein Beispiel:
Das Problem der 1.44 war ihre extreme RCS ( radar cross section), welche sie für die Zukunft ziemlich wertlos machte.
Damals war den Russen schon klar, daß mit dem Raptor ( damals noch ATF) der Bedarf nach einem Jäger herkömmlicher Bauart weniger als gering sein würde. Deswegen begann die schrittweise und bedarfsgerechte Weiterentwicklung der T 10 reihe zu der die SU 27, - 33, - 35, -37 gehört........
Die zwei Saturn/Ljulka AL-41F- Triebwerke hatten damals schon unglaubliche 175 kN Schub pro Triebwerk..... :zunge:
Auf diesen Triebwerken wird an einer Weiterentwicklung gearbeitet, welche um einiges stärker sein sollen ( man munkelt so um die 190 kN ). Der jetzige Prototyp fliegt mit den Triebwerken der SU 35 mit je 145 kN Schub, womit die T 50 alle ihre angekündigten Leistungsdaten erreichen soll. Dann in den Serienmodellen die neuen, gewaltigeren Öfen, und dann geht der Flieger ab, wie das viel zititerte Zäpfchen.
ZitatAlles anzeigenSukhoi has completed its preliminary flight and bench trials program for the T-50 PAK-FA fighter. Three airframes were built for the initial campaign, comprising one static aircraft (T-50-0), one flying prototype (T-50-1) and an avionics testbed (T-50-2). A display flight by T-50-1 on June 17 in front of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin marked the 16th time the aircraft had flown.
Russia has a stated requirement for up to 420 PAK-FA aircraft, which may become the Su-50 in service. This number would equip 10 air regiments, each with 36 frontline aircraft and six reserves. However, it is likely that this total will not be reached. India, meanwhile, has a requirement for 250 of what it calls the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
India has yet to join the T-50 program, but it has stated that it intends to do so and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) will likely be given development work in the navigation, mission computer and other systems. FGFA is envisioned as a two-seater, but reports suggest that India could acquire single-seat T-50s pending development of the full FGFA configuration.
The T-50-1 was completed in the KnAAPO works at Dzemgi airfield near Komsomolsk-na-Amur. The first taxi tests were performed last December and high-speed tests were conducted in late January in preparation for the first flight. The maiden 47-minute sortie was flown on January 29 with Sergey Bogdan at the controls.
The aircraft flew again in early February to compete initial basic airworthiness and systems tests before being disassembled for transport to Moscow. On April 8 an Antonov An-124 Ruslan carried it to the Gromov Flight Research Institute at Zhukovsky, together with flight support equipment. The aircraft flew again from its new home on April 29.
Further T-50s will be constructed to support the flight test program, which Putin announced would encompass more than 2,000 flights. Initial production is scheduled to begin at KnAAPO in 2015, with limited service-entry to take place that year as well.
T-50 Technology
Sukhoi’s T-50 embodies a high degree of new technology and is intended to provide a “fifth-generation” capability in an aircraft that is considerably cheaper to produce than the Lockheed Martin F-22, its closest rival. Low observability in the forward hemisphere is a key driver in the T-50 design, which, in planform at least, resembles that of the F-22. The forward areas feature faceting (smooth, polished surfaces) and the design incorporates advanced radar-absorbent materials and coatings. The intake trunks are of serpentine shape, but whether they completely shield the engine compressor face and whether they incorporate some form of radar blocker has been the subject of considerable debate.The engines themselves are the NPO Saturn 117, derived from the 117S intended for the Su-35BM. The first of these engines flew in the left-hand bay of the T-10M-10 (an Su-35 testbed) on January 21 this year, shortly before the T-50’s first flight. The engines incorporate 16-degree all-axis thrust vectoring, which combined with the relaxed stability and fly-by-wire controls confers outstanding maneuverability on the T-50. It is widely accepted that the T-50 will not match the Lockheed Martin F-22 fighter in terms of all-aspect stealthiness, but it is expected to be more agile. NPO Saturn and MMPP Salyut are working together on a definitive engine for the T-50, in the 16- to 16.5-metric-ton thrust class (that is, up to 36,375 pounds thrust).
An innovative feature of the T-50 is its SH121 radar complex from NIIP Tikhomirov. This comprises the N050 main array in the nose, with more than 1,500 transmit/receive modules, plus two side-facing X-band arrays in the lower forward fuselage sides. Conformal L-band arrays are mounted in the leading-edge root extensions. T-50-1 does not have radar fitted, but it does have a dummy infrared search-and-track turret installed. In service this is expected to be a development of the OLS-35 developed for the Su-35BM.
In terms of avionics, the T-50 represents a major advance for a Russian fighter and it has been designed to take full advantage of datalink and sensor-fusion technology. In the cockpit the pilot has two very large multifunction displays mounted side-by-side, with an upfront controller for a wide-angle head-up display. Control is by a center stick that incorporates advanced HOTAS controls. The pilot will have a helmet-mounted sighting system, perhaps based on the ZSh-10.
In its air-to-air role, the T-50 will have a wide range of weapons available, from internal 30-mm cannon to 400-km missiles. The aircraft’s huge internal bays can accommodate up to eight of the current Vympel R-77 active-radar missiles, but there are several developments under way to provide the PAK-FA with even more capable weapons.
Vympel is working on the Izdeliye 180/K-77M, a derivative of the R-77 with a double-pulse engine, new seeker and traditional tailfins in place of the R-77’s “chip-slicer” lattice fins. The Izdeliye 180PB/K-77ME is an air-breathing ramjet version similar in concept to the Meteor, but it appears that the solid-propellant version–roughly equivalent to the AIM-120D AMRAAM–offers greater potential in a shorter time.
The PAK-FA is also expected to carry a class of weapon unique to Russia–
a very long range air-to-air missile (VLRAAM), with a range of around 400 kilometers. Two designs are in development for the T-50 application: Vympel’s Izdeliye 810 and Novator’s Izdeliye 172/K-100. The T-50 will also carry short-range weapons.
Was für ein Brocken...!
Die elektronische Ausrüstung des Vogels soll auch der Hammer sein, und die des Raptors mehr als ebenbürtig sein.....
Und die Waffen haben ne ungeheure Reichweite.....und sind nicht wie im Falle des Raptores an die Maße des Waffenschachtes angepasst, sondern der Schacht wurde entsprechend dimensioniert.....
ZitatAlles anzeigenAvionics
The PAK-FA will have two X-Band AESA radars located on the front and back of the aircraft. These will be accompanied by L-Band radars which are thought to be located on the wing LERX sides, or on the wing leading edges. L-Band radars are proven to have increased effectiveness against VLO targets which are optimized only against X-Band frequencies, despite being less accurate.
The PAK-FA will feature an IRST optical/IR search and tracking system.
Sukhoi recently demonstrated cockpit mock-ups, which may relate to both Su-35 or PAK-FA, suggest two very large MFDs and a very wide HUD.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will provide the navigation system and the mission computer.
The PAK FA was expected to use a pair of Saturn 117S engines on its first flights. The 117S (AL-41F1A) is a major upgrade of the AL-31F based on the AL-41F intended to power the Su-35BM, producing 142 kN (32,000 lb) of thrust in afterburner and 86.3 kN (19,400 lb) dry. In fact, PAK FA already used a completely new engine in its first flight, as stated by NPO Saturn. The engine is not based on the Saturn 117S. The engine generates a larger thrust and has a complex automation system, to facilitate flight modes such as maneuverability. Exact specifications of the new engine are still secret. Each engine can independently vector its thrust upwards, downward or side to side. Vectoring one engine up with the other one down can produce a twisting force. Therefore the PAK FA will be the first fifth generation fighter with full 3-D thrust vectoring along all three aircraft axes: pitch, yaw and roll.
The first flight video shows that PAK-FA has no conventional rudders, its vertical tails are fully movable. This special tail fin design is mechanically similar to V-tails used by the Northrop YF-23 in 1990s, but is supplemented by dedicated horizontal stabilators (as on the F-22). The T-50 has wing leading-edge devices above the jet engine intakes that have been called a challenge for signature control.
General characteristics
* Crew: 1
* Length: 19.8 m (65.9 ft)
* Wingspan: 14 m (46.6 ft)
* Height: 6.05 m (19.8 ft)
* Wing area: 78.8 m2 (848.1 ft2)
* Empty weight: 18,500 kg (40,785 lb)
* Loaded weight: 26,000 kg (57,320 lb)
* Useful load: 7,500 kg (combat load) (16,534 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg (81,570 lb)
* Powerplant: 2× New unnamed engine by NPO Saturn and FNPTS MMPP Salyut of 175 kN each. Prototype with AL-41F1 of 147 kN each,[49] definitive version with new engine >157 kN
* Maximum Fuel weight: 10,300 kg (22,711 lbPerformance
* Maximum speed: 2,600 km/h (Mach 2.45) (1,615 mph) ; at 17,000 m (45,000 ft) altitude
* Cruise speed: 1,300 - 1,800 km/h (808 - 1,118 mph)
* Ferry range: 5,500 km[50] ()
* Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,616 ft)
* Rate of climb: 350 m/sec (1,148 ft/sec)
* Wing loading: 330(normal) - 470(maximum) kg/m2 (67(normal) - 96(maximum) lb/ft2)
* Thrust/weight: 1.4
* Maximum g-load: +11.0 gArmament
* Guns: None on prototype. Apparent provision for a cannon (most likely GSh-301)
* Hardpoints: Two internal bays estimated at 4.6-4.7 metres by 1-1.1 metres. Other sources suggest two auxiliary internal bays for short range AAMS and 6 external hardpointsAvionics
N050 BRLS AFAR / AESA built by Tikhomirov NIIP and based on Tikhomirov NIIP N035 Irbis-E . It will be the second aircraft based AESA Radar to be built by Russia, the first being the Phazotron NIIR ZHUK-A Radar in the MIG-35.
Designed armament
Two Izdeliye 810 Extended beyond visual range missiles per weapons bay. Multiple Izdeliye 180 / K77M beyond visual range missiles. K74 and K30 within visual range missiles can also be carried.
Two KH38M or KH58 USHK air-to-ground missiles per weapons bay. Multiple 250–500 kg precision guided bombs per weapons bay, with a maximum of ten bombs in internal bays
Other possible loads include one 1500 kg bomb per weapons bay or two 400 km+ range anti-AWACS weapons on external hard-points. A maximum weapons load of 7500 kg is reported.
Quelles des Textes und der folgenden Bilder!
ZitatIndia and Russia are set to sign their biggest-ever defence deal with the government’s highest decision-making body clearing a mega proposal for joint development and production of fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA).
The total projected value of the deal is pegged at $30 billion ($3,000 crore), with the Indian Air Force (IAF) looking at placing orders for 250-300 of the advanced fighters.
With the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) giving a go-ahead, the formal contract for the joint development and production of the fighters will be signed towards the end of this month during President Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to New Delhi.
The new fighter, which has been named as the Sukhoi T 50 PAK FA, undertook its first flight in January this year and the IAF hopes to start the induction of a specialised two-seater variant by 2017.
Infos über das FGFA, welches auf dem PAKFA basiert!
ZitatUnterschiede zwischen PAK-FA und FGFA
Der Unterschied zwischen dem PAK-FA und dem FGFA wird dem zwischen der Su-30M und der Su-30MKI entsprechen. Die Su-30M ist die russische Standardversion des Flugzeugs, wohingegen die Su-30MKI (MKI steht für „Modernisirowannij Kommertscheski Indiski“) gemeinsam mit der indischen Hindustan Aeronautics Limited für die indische Luftwaffe entwickelt wurde. Die Su-30MKI erhielt eine Schubvektorsteuerung sowie Canards und ist mit einer multi-nationalen – aus Indien, Israel, Russland und Frankreich stammenden – Avionik ausgestattet. Die Flugzeuge der PAK-FA- und der FGFA-Programme werden nur wenige technologische Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. Des Weiteren wird das FGFA vorwiegend Waffen indischer Herkunft wie Astra und in Indien entwickelte Langstrecken-Luft-Luft-Raketen einsetzen. Der russischen Einsatzdoktrin der Verwendung einer breiten Palette vielseitiger Raketen für verschiedene Einsatzarten folgend, kann eine Austauschbarkeit verschiedenster Raketensysteme erwartet werden. Die Unterschiede zwischen indischem FGFA und russischem PAK-FA sind erheblich, da die doppelsitzige Ausführung des Flugzeugs eine Neudimensionierung der Trag- und Steuerflächen erfordert.
Das FGFA kann auch mit Systemen dritter Zulieferer ausgestattet werden.
Da hat der Flieger schonmal den Eurofighter in puncto Exporten ganz schön abgehängt......
ZitatDecember 29: The first images of China’s new fifth-generation fighter, the F-12/XXJ have been posted on Chinese internet forums and websites.
The aircraft is believed to have been developed by the Shenyang Airplane Corporation and has been heavily influenced by the Russian T-50/PAK-FA revealed late last year. The F-12 is expected to enter service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force in 2015, around the same time as the PAK-FA.
ZitatAlles anzeigenThe latest buzz on Internet is that the China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group is preparing to test its first stealth aircraft known to world as the J-XX.
According to enthusiasts living nearby, the aircraft has already done taxi run and top level officials are coming to the facility to witness the first flight. This comes as a surprise as both American and Russian think tanks had written off China. J-XX is Chinese competitor in the Fifth Generation race.
It is stated to have very low observability, advance avionics and radar coupled with two Turbofan engines generating 180 kN of thrust.
The exact happenings are still uncertain but the images leaked on the internet are extremely convincing. The aircraft seems to be around 60-70 feet long with forward canards and delta wing configuration similar to the J-10. On first look the aircraft looks very similar to the American F-22. However, it has features such twin DSI inlets and V-shaped tail.
The aircraft seems to be fitted with WS-10 engines rather than WS-15 but this cannot be confirmed. According Janes there are two prototype airframes in existence of which one is flight ready.
Exact happenings are still unknown in the formal media as the Chinese Govt is tight lipped on it. If indeed this aircraft is flight ready than this could have serious implication to surrounding countries which are yet to have such an aircraft.
The first high-resolution photographs appeared on Chinese non-governmental websites of a prototype of the Chengdu J-20 fighter being built for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) The J-20 appears to be conducting a high-speed taxi test.
The latest images show some startling similarities between the Chinese J-XX and canceled Russian MiG-1.44. Both have similar style of delta wing canard configurations and V-Shaped tail section with closely mounted engines. The frontal aspect looks extremely similar to that of the American F-35 JSF with DSI intake which has now become common on all new Chinese designs.
Es gibt ein erstes Video von der J-20 bei einem High-Speed Taxi Test inkl. Heben der Nase und Auslösen des Bremsschirms. Recht unscharf, aber man kann was erkennen.
Es wird im Netz allerorten über nen morgigen Erstflug erzählt....
Allerorten? Peter, du hast echt zu viel Zeit Mich würden mal so deine Hauptquellen interessieren? Welche Seiten besuchst du (nach dem Forum hier) am häufigsten?