Du hast aber schon mal was von der Flight1 Atr gehört oder? Weil die fehlt in deiner Aufzählung
Ich meine du hattest sie mir mal gezeigt.
Finde ich gut.
Solange PMDG Produkte IRGENDWIE mit einem Deutschen Handbuch rauskommen (sprich: Aerosoft) habe ich dann mehr Lust die Flieger zu lernen.
Ich freue mich!Und ehrlich gesagt, sind dann solche Produkte für mich dann auch ein Anreiz für die Freude, irgendwann dann mit dem FSX zu fliegen-, und Ihn bei mir zu standartisieren.
Bald ist es auch soweit und dann kann ich mich über die Jetsteam und die Dash freuen! -
I hope you are enjoying the new forum layout. We are still trying to get used to splitting attention between multiple layers- but as for me, I'm finding it is significantly easier to keep up with threads now.
I have a few minor updates for you tonight:
I anticipate releasing this tomorrow. I want to stress the word ANTICIPATE because there are two minor hangups being seen at the moment. The should be resolved by tomorrow evening- but if not, then it will wind up in holding until Saturday... If we are able to send that one up on Sunday night we'll post a note here.***If you do not see us announce that it has been released, then check back next Saturday...
A few folks have asked for some preview images of the NGX. We do not anticipate showing you previews until 2010 and most likely late February before they start to appear. On the code-side this project is moving along at an "okay" rate- but we are essentially in holding on the visual side while we coordinate development schedules with Boeing.That being said, (That "boeing" said? That could almost be funny...) the PMDG 737NGX is progressing nicely- and has some features that we think will make this a very exciting release. The vast majority of development resources are currently working on this project, although- as mentioned- we do have some slowdowns...
I saw someone mention that the NGX was going to release before Christmas- and he was actually correct. Like him- we aren't going to tell you which one- but I KNOW it won't be Christmas 2009. Just Kidding.gif
PMDG JS4100:
We did not anticipate making further updates to the PMDG JS4100- however we have been working with a small cluster of customers who are having a very unusual CTD related issue. Matt developed a method to track down exactly where the CTD happens (since we cannot replicated it in-house) and has had some success narrowing it down. If he succeeds in tracking/killing this item- we may issue another general update just to be certain that nobody else is experiencing this problem but reporting it in such a way that it seems unrelated...No timeline on this... And it is the only thing we are currently examining on the J41. I'll keep you posted.
PMDG Bombardier Dash-8:
The PMDG Bombardier Dash-8 will be the next in the line of PMDG turboprops. We have seen quite a bit of speculation as to which Dash-8 model we will release, and while we (obviously) know the answer to that question- we are keeping it under our hats for the time being.The Dash-8 will release AFTER the PMDG 737NGX, just to be clear on the order of things...
As is normal during any large development cycle, we occasionally wind up with developers who have slack time during large projects, so we are preparing to give you a Dash-8 preview here soon just to keep you entertained.
I think that is all I have for this evening... Hope you all are enjoying your weekends!
Robert S. Randazzo
Precision Manuals Development Group
http://www.precisionmanuals.com -
Das Advanced Tut wird für die MD11 wird es übrigens ab morgen geben.