Rollout der Gulfstream G 650

  • Das ist wahr, daß das Scheisse ist. Wenn das Fahrwerk kollabiert, scheint es entweder ne exzessive Sinkrate gewesen zu sein, oder man hat das gear zu früh gefahren oder irgendein Teil hat den Geist aufgegeben. Aber alles Spekulation.
    Warten wir mal die Untersuchung ab, bevor wir uns in die Spekulation vertiefen.........

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

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    Gulfstream Aerospace, located in Savannah, Ga., has confirmed the crash of a Gulfstream G650 flight test aircraft at Roswell International Air Center, N.M., Saturday morning, April 2. Four lives were lost in the accident. The following statement was released by the company early Saturday evening:

    “Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. confirmed today that a Gulfstream G650 crashed Saturday morning during takeoff-performance tests in Roswell, N.M. Two Gulfstream pilots and two Gulfstream flight-test engineers died in the crash. ‘Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who were lost,’ said Joe Lombardo, president, Gulfstream Aerospace. The accident is under investigation by Gulfstream, the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration. ‘We are cooperating 100 percent with the investigation,’ Lombardo said.”

    FAA Southwest Region spokesman Lynn Lunsford of the told AOPA Pilot that the aircraft, N652GD, had just taken off when the right wing hit the ground. The aircraft crashed back to the runway, collapsing the gear. “The aircraft skidded for quite some distance,” Lunsford said. “It came to rest 35 to 40 feet from the tower.” Lunsford said the aircraft had been in the pattern for at least two hours. It was his understanding that the aircraft was conducting brake testing.

    Quelle des vollständigen Textes!

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Fernsehbericht mit Aufnahmen von der Unfallstelle!

    Sieht richtig böse aus. Da hat nicht viel gefehlt, und der Flieger wäre in den Tower gekracht....... ;(:S8|

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Quelle!

    Vollständiger Text bei Bloomberg!

    Man simuliert nen Ausfall eines Triebwerkes, hat nen hohen Anstellwinkel und schon gehts schief........Mal schauen, was BFU meinen wird....

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Quelle

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Zitat

    Although the April 2 crash of flight test G650 serial number 6002 has created some potential delays in the certification program, Gulfstream remains confident that the new large-cabin jet will achieve FAA approval by the end of this year. Gulfstream expects to deliver 12 green G650s by the end of this year and has orders for more than 200 of the ultra-large cabin, ultra-long-range jet.
    “First and foremost, we’re taking care of the families,” said Pres Henne, senior vice president, programs, engineering and test, referring to the two pilots and two technical specialists killed in the G650 flight-test accident. “And we’re working with the NSTB [on the investigation]. They are responsible for announcing the causal factors. We’re working with the FAA on when we can safely resume flight testing. The accident occurred during a difficult test. This was an engine-out, low-speed, high-angle takeoff test. In the near-term, we’ll increase speeds a bit to get some margin,” he said.
    “We feel confident about the design,” said Lombardo. “Whether there will be delays in certification, it’s most likely.”
    Meanwhile, all other aspects of the G650 certification program remain on track, except for flight test. By the end of March, the flight-test fleet had logged 1,560 hours during more than 470 flights, toward an expected total of 2,000 hours. The entire performance envelope of the fly-by-wire G650 has been fully opened, Henne said. Highest altitude reached was 55,000 feet, maximum speed Mach 0.995 and longest flight 14 hours.
    On the production line, G650 serial number 6009’s airframe is complete and 6010, 6011, 6012 and 6013 are in process. G650 fatigue test article F6 will be tested in the structural test hangar to 2.5 times the airframe life; one life cycle is 40,000 hours and 17,000 landings. Fatigue testing is ongoing, Henne said, and the G650 will have achieved more than the minimum 10 percent of the 40,000 cycles required at certification.
    The G650 simulator has been delivered to the FlightSafety learning center in Savannah, Georgia, next to the Gulfstream factory, and FAA level-D certification of the simulator is expected in 2012.

    Trotz der Tragödie um den Absturz des zweiten Prototypen geht es weiter. Und das anscheinend mit vollem Elan!

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Zitat

    SAVANNAH, Ga., May 28, 2011 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. has resumed the G650 flight-test program, following a temporary suspension of flying after an April 2 accident. The first flight since the accident took place May 28, with Serial Number 6001 flying for 1 hour and 39 minutes. The crew included senior experimental test pilots Jake Howard and Tom Horne and Flight Test Engineer Bill Osborne.
    "We have conducted all the necessary reviews to assure ourselves that we can safely resume the flight-test program at this point," said Pres Henne, senior vice president, Programs, Engineering and Test, Gulfstream. "We have worked closely with the Federal Aviation Administration in this process and received the agency's concurrence to resume flight testing. It is our responsibility to move forward with the flight-test program, and we will do so in a safe and prudent manner. The G650 will enter service as the flagship of our product line, where it will represent the very best in business aviation technology."
    To date, the G650 flight-test program has accomplished 470 flights, accumulating 1,560 hours towards the estimated 2,200 hours required for certification. Gulfstream resumed flying with the four remaining flight-test aircraft. The company still anticipates certification in 2011, with service entry in 2012, as was originally planned at the aircraft's public launch in 2008.
    Gulfstream continues to cooperate with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in its investigation.


    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Quelle ist Gulfstream!

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Gulfstream G650 Advances Toward Certification


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    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Nun ja, ich glaube, der Aufwand ist für normales "Parken" ein wenig zu groß, meinste nicht auch? Wäre glaub ich in etwa so, als wenn du bei deinem Auto jedes Mal die Reifen abschraubst, damit es dir nicht wegrollt...

    Gruss - Tom
    - Mein System


    Ich bin der Schwarze ^^

  • Die 550 hat aber auch genug Schub......…-152/2000655/M/


    All zu nahe kann die Gulf nicht gewesen sein, denn der Jetblast würde über die kleinen Cessna drüberpusten, vor allem weil die Gulfs beim Rollen auch eher nose down daher kommen. Wenn der etwas weiter weg war, hat der ordentlich Gas gegeben. Bestimmt ging es irgendwo ums Eck.

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Logo!Der ist auch ein ganzes Stückchen niedriger wie die 5er Gulf.....vor allem die Triebwerke sitzen niedriger, wenn man vom Boden ausgeht....

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von The Big Lebowski (23. Oktober 2011 um 19:40)

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    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Ein herrlicher Flieger! Wenn man sich da drin umschaut, und die Möglichkeiten sieht, die die Avionik bietet, und dann so Sätze hört , daß man von Las Vegas nach Hawaii mit M0.90 hin und zurückfliegen kann, ohne tanken zu müssen, dann ist das ne Hausnummer. :love: :hurra:

    "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

    „Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“Arthur Schopenhauer

  • Wer würde denn das wollen? Wenn ich schon nach Hawaii fliege, dann bleib ich doch auch ein wenig da und tanke (und damit meine ich nicht nur Fuel :D).

    Gruss - Tom
    - Mein System


    Ich bin der Schwarze ^^