• Hallo zusammen,

    habt ihr zufällig auch das Problem, dass euch immer wieder mal das Cockpit bzw. die Anzeigen einfrieren und der Sound weiter läuft?

    Ich habe gehofft, dass das Phänomen mit einem der letzten Updates beseitigt wurde.


  • Wenn man das TCAS vor der Landung aus macht, dann geht es ohne Probleme


    Ich hatte es schon einige male bei der PMDG im Reiseflug wenn ich zb. Wegpunkte lösche oder kurz vor der Landung im FMC noch was ändere, dann ist mir der Sim auch schon eingefroren.

    Leider nicht nachvollziehbar.

    Gruss Markus



  • Wenn man das TCAS vor der Landung aus macht, dann geht es ohne Probleme


    Ich hatte es schon einige male bei der PMDG im Reiseflug wenn ich zb. Wegpunkte lösche oder kurz vor der Landung im FMC noch was ändere, dann ist mir der Sim auch schon eingefroren.

    Leider nicht nachvollziehbar.

    Neuer Eintrag auf der Landing-Checklist:

    TCAS —— OFF 😬

  • Dass heisst der ganze Sim ist stehen geblieben oder konntest du weiter fliegen nur halt ohne Autopilot und Anzeigen usw.?

    Was Andre beschreibt ist bei der PMDG eigentlich nur kurz vor der Landung.

    Gruss Markus



  • Die PMDG 737 friert einfach ein. Man kann noch weiterfliegen und Landen, jedoch ohne Eingabemöglichkeiten am Flieger. Ist mir bisher nur ein einziges mal passiert.

    AMD Ryzen 7800X3D, ASUS Prime x670E, Corsair 64GB DDR5-6000, ASUS ROG STRIX 4090 OC


  • Andre, im TCAS eine Position zurück stellen. Weiss jetzt nicht gerade wie es heisst. TA vielleicht?

    Sollte auch gehen laut einem Eintag beim PMDG Forum,und du siehst den Traffic auch noch im ND.

    Gruss Markus



  • neues Update im PMDG OC verfügbar.

    Gruss Reinhard,
    zu Hause in Sichtweite zum Airport EDDP

    Condor-VA Mitglied CFG144

    Win 10-ASUS Z270A- i7-7700k CPU 4,2 GHz-Artic Liquid Freezer 120, Arbeitsspeicher 32 GB, Graka Zotac Geforce RTX 4070 12GB GDDR6X

  • Heute Nacht gibts die ersten bewegten Bilder der 777:

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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    LG Florian


  • Klasse, hoffe auf Ostern.

    Gruss Reinhard,
    zu Hause in Sichtweite zum Airport EDDP

    Condor-VA Mitglied CFG144

    Win 10-ASUS Z270A- i7-7700k CPU 4,2 GHz-Artic Liquid Freezer 120, Arbeitsspeicher 32 GB, Graka Zotac Geforce RTX 4070 12GB GDDR6X

  • PMDG 777-300ER for MSFS Coming Within 2 Months, 737MAX to Release Between 777 Variants - FSElite
    The first concrete details on the PMDG 777-300ER for Microsoft Flight Simulator are here following their Q&A session.

    Nicht nur das, auch, dass zwischen den einzelnen 777 Versionen die 737-MAX released wird, freut mich ungemein!!!!

    AMD Ryzen 7800X3D, ASUS Prime x670E, Corsair 64GB DDR5-6000, ASUS ROG STRIX 4090 OC


  • Sooo, seit gestern Abend zurück vom FSWeekend aus Lelystad - mit frischen Eindrücken zur PMDG 777.

    Die 777 wird ein dynamisches Reifen-Abnutzungs-Modell mitbringen - wie bspw. die bestehenden "Servicebased Failures". Dies wird auch visuell sichtbar sein, genauso wie der Schmutz an den Felgen. Während Randazzo noch von ca. 8 Wochen sprach - war Mathijs Kok bei ca. 6 Wochen bis Release. Mehr noch später oder morgen bei Cruiselevel.


    Gruß, Tobias

    VATGER - Mentor FIR Langen

    "Kairo, ein genauso kaputter Flughafen wie AMS, nur mit mehr Sand..." - Magnus, 24.01.2018

    "Kotzen ist gerade keine Option, ich habe ATC..." - Goof, 27.06.2024

    My Specs:

    Intel i7 8700K @4,8Ghz | MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus | Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | Gigabyte AMD RX6800 Gaming OC - 16GB | be quiet! Dark Rock 4 | 250GB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 1TB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 500GB Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 SSD

    1272780 gvert27-future.png

  • FSWeekend: PMDG 777 in freier Wildbahn
    Auf dem aktuellen FSWeekend war PMDG seit längerem mal wieder in Europa offiziell präsent. Und das Team hatte durchaus interessantes Gepäck dabei, denn nicht…

    Gruß, Tobias

    VATGER - Mentor FIR Langen

    "Kairo, ein genauso kaputter Flughafen wie AMS, nur mit mehr Sand..." - Magnus, 24.01.2018

    "Kotzen ist gerade keine Option, ich habe ATC..." - Goof, 27.06.2024

    My Specs:

    Intel i7 8700K @4,8Ghz | MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus | Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | Gigabyte AMD RX6800 Gaming OC - 16GB | be quiet! Dark Rock 4 | 250GB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 1TB Samsung EVO860 SSD | 500GB Samsung EVO 970 Plus M.2 SSD

    1272780 gvert27-future.png

  • Wenn schon Dreck auf den Felgen dargestellt wird, wird da eigentlich mal auch sowas wie Dreck auf den Tragflächen dynamisch dargestellt?

    Gerade wenn man mal in den Tropen durch schlechtes Wetter fliegt wird der Flieger ja oft ziemlich dreckig...


    Viele Grüße - Matthias

    Mein System: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, 64 GB RAM, RTX 4080S, Win 11 Pro, MSFS2024


  • Kein Aprilscherz.

    [01APR24] Your April Fools Day Update- with no jokes buried within... - PMDG Simulations
    Captains, Welcome to a rare, Monday evening update. This update was originally planned for my usual Saturday, but with as many moving parts as we have…

    [01APR24] Your April Fools Day Update- with no jokes buried within...

    01Apr2024, 23:24

    Welcome to a rare, Monday evening update.

    This update was originally planned for my usual Saturday, but with as many moving parts as we have currently at PMDG, my schedule got a bit O.B.E. and I decided to hold off until I had a few moments to collect some information and thoughts to share with you properly.

    No doubt many of you are bracing for some form of April Fools joke, but I must admit we were all a bit too busy and too tired to plan one properly. In this close to a major release, we also didn't want to toy with anyone's emotions by throwing a fake "product delayed" or other sort of hiccup into the works. The key to a good joke is knowing when NOT to play a good joke.

    (Incidentally, for those who have been around for a while: We were chuckling in-house today about the time we changed our whole website to reflect "PMDG. A Boeing Company" and issued a fake statement saying that we had been bought by Boeing, who was interested in our simulation technology. It was all well and funny until an aviation reporter called to ask us about it... When I didn't take the call, he called Boeing. The the Boeing lawyer called... That was when it stopped being funny! 🤣🤣)

    Incidentally, our technology is actually in use at Boeing now. Funny how things work out.

    PMDG 737 for MSFS: (PC/PC-MP/XB-MP)

    Lets start out with some "not the 777" news first... As you know, PMDG is more than just a single product line- and that can sometimes make logistics a bit challenging when it comes to development resources. Currently we have our much loved PMDG 737 for MSFS in a development status that has us focusing only on critical operational needs, rather than active development of new features. This is a temporary condition while we keep all remaining resources focused on getting the 77W out of flight test and off to the delivery center for you to fly away.

    Two weeks ago we pushed a series of updates designed to bring the PC direct sale/PC Marketplace/XBox Marketplace builds all to congruence, and this unlocked the tablet for Xbox users, as well as bringing a bunch of fixes that had been withheld from XBox pending tablet testing. While testing the 737 build 3.00.0091 went swimmingly, we have discovered after the fact that the build released to customers was no, in fact, the same build we were testing- but was instead an earlier build that had been rejected due to some stability problems and features that weren't quite complete.

    To correct this, we have just pushed a new 737 build 3.00.0092 out via the PMDG Operations Center for our PC Direct Sale customers. We have also pushed this new build to marketplace for both our PC Marketplace and PC XBox users. We are hoping that we have made the deadlines in time to see these builds out to Marketplace users by this coming friday, but I think we may have missed the window and they will become available instead on 11APR provided that Microsoft is able to maintain their usual release profile.

    Apologies from all of us for the extra build cycle. With all of the QC process that goes on in the background, we are still not sure how we managed to build you a retro-version, but we did. I will keep you posted on progress of the updated builds as they work their way toward you.

    For PMDG Direct customers, jump on the PMDG Operations Center and you can have the build right away.

    PMDG 777 for MSFS:

    Okay, shifting our focus back to the 77W:

    (I noticed a few folks complaining that I have been showing too many landing gear images of the 777... Since I'm a dad, that means I am contractually obligated to double down on the topic. So here is another photo showing off the absolutely magnificently detailed landing gear of the 77W. It was this image or a bad April Fools joke... cool.png)

    Today we pushed a new build of the airplane to our beta testers that represents a big advancement in the readiness of the airplane. During the past two weeks a significant amount of time and energy has been devoted to stability, efficiency, cleaning up details in the system operation and beginning the process of adding in finer wear details for the in-use airplane.


    Naturally, our showroom model is fitted out with a PMDG house livery and is maintained in a clean state because she is our demonstrator, after all- but the flight deck upon which our airplane is based was a 12 year in service airplane at the time we conducted our survey, and the moderate wear and tear is being added now, starting with this latest beta build. Once Vin is happy with his state of play, I'll coerce some images from him to show off the finer points- but having been looking at it for a few weeks now, I think you will like what you see. Our NG was brand new, since we used a freshly build airplane from Boeing as the basis for that airplane, our 777 is a mid-life airplane operated by a respected airline, but our upcoming 744 will reflect that she has passed through a few owners and has flown a well used lifestyle prior to becoming the subject of our airplane. (And since someone will ask: Yes, the MAX was brand new... and that is reflected in the product.)

    Inside the gear bay of this airplane there are some warning lights, and we have modeled those in all of their glory. They operate correctly, so hopefully you won't find yourself getting batted across the ramp like a red Kookaburra when the doors get reset after manually opening them to inspect the highly detailed gear bays.


    I have not forgotten that I promised a bit of orientation on some of the maintenance practices required for your 777. Our beta testers were doing a bit too robust of a job finding issues in some of the new systems on the airplane, and this was taking up most of my time over the past two weeks. This airplane is being fitted out with some really neat new features and while I am itching to begin showing them off to you- the devs get the final word on when their pieces are ready for public consumption, so I've been holding off a bit.

    Included in this new beta build are multiple tablet features that haven't been shared, greater sound integration, improved maintenance processes, and more.

    Sooo... More Hype?

    I do feel a bit silly jumping up and down, telling you how magnificent this airplane is and how close it is to being in your hangar- but I am truly exuberant about the prospect of having her released to you. We deliberately chose the 77W because we know she is a favorite of our customer community- and we have made a firm commitment to wrapping in many of the new features we have been working on in the background related to the tablet, navdata and navigation capabilities, datalink, cabin access from the flight deck and the like. Our challenge with this release is to ensure we get you all of those bits in what promises to be our best release yet.

    So I hope you can forgive my exuberance even if I have to continue being restrained in what we show.

    The end of the wait is nearly upon us- I promise.

    Robert S. Randazzo fetch?filedataid=324&sigpic=1

    PMDG Simulations


    Gruss Reinhard,
    zu Hause in Sichtweite zum Airport EDDP

    Condor-VA Mitglied CFG144

    Win 10-ASUS Z270A- i7-7700k CPU 4,2 GHz-Artic Liquid Freezer 120, Arbeitsspeicher 32 GB, Graka Zotac Geforce RTX 4070 12GB GDDR6X

  • Keine Zeit, zu müde - aber ein ellenlanger Sermon. Ob der einen Redenschreiber hat? :rofl:

    wie immer viel Text, aber wenig Neues.

    Gruss Reinhard,
    zu Hause in Sichtweite zum Airport EDDP

    Condor-VA Mitglied CFG144

    Win 10-ASUS Z270A- i7-7700k CPU 4,2 GHz-Artic Liquid Freezer 120, Arbeitsspeicher 32 GB, Graka Zotac Geforce RTX 4070 12GB GDDR6X

  • Was diese dümmliche Negativhaltung hier immer sein soll.

    Da kommt eine 777, mit allem was sich die Community wünscht und trotzdem wird noch gemeckert.

    PMDG setzt doch alles um, was verlangt wird: RF legs, Wetterradar, Kabinensounds, GSX Integration, CPDLC. Das wird mit großem Abstand das kompletteste PMDG- Produkt seit Jahren.

    System: Intel Core 9 Ultra 285K @H2O/geköpft / Gigabyte RTX5090 Master / DDR5 48GB 8800 CUDIMM / Asus Apex Z890 / MSI 321URX

  • Die 777 lässt mich aber so was von kalt, das Ding ist einfach langweilig und hat keinen Charme.

    Aber ist halt einfacher als eine 747 oder MD11. So wie damals, als sie in die JS41 für P3D ein GTN eingebaut haben <X

    Auch hier wieder: Sie verlieren sich in Details, die niemanden wirklich interessieren und die auch keiner wirklich merkt - und verkaufen es als Entwicklung des Jahrzehnts. Abgenutzte Reifen. Echt jetzt?

    Und deswegen: Jeder so wie es ihm gefällt ^^

    LG, Boris