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Fenix A320
Müsste im ND nicht auch der Indikator für den Gleitpfad angezeigt werden??
2023-08-31 22_11_50-Greenshot.jpg
Und ?? Wo drehe ich gerade auf das ILS ein?
das mit dem Gleitpfadindikator ist ein Bug und auch schon im Discord von Fenix angesprochen...
Gibts im FMGC vom FENIX keine RNAV Trans mehr? Finde für EDDM die ROKIL 08 usw nicht.
Muss ich wohl händisch eingeben. Ich meine das das schon mal da war
edith...habs gefunden
muss man über "VIAS" auswählen
Gibts im FMGC vom FENIX keine RNAV Trans mehr? Finde für EDDM die ROKIL 08 usw nicht.
Muss ich wohl händisch eingeben. Ich meine das das schon mal da war
edith...habs gefunden
muss man über "VIAS" auswählen
Die haben sich da schon immer versteckt....ist etwas nervig, aber leider eben Airbus...
In EDDL passiert das daher Montags regelmäßig, dass Leute einfach die X oder G STARs fliegen, ohne was zu sagen, weil sie die Transition nicht gefunden haben...
Fuer diejenigen die uebrigens FSUIPC haben, lohnt sich der download von PMCO FNX32X
von : https://flightsim.to/file/39243/pmc…nix-a320-add-on
Dan ist man nicht mehr so alleine. Einziger nachteil ist, das der Kollege neben mir wahrscheinlich von BA kommt
Ich stelle hier mal andere Sounddateien zur Verfügung. Sind auch englisch, aber nicht so "Oxfordstyle"
sag mal, funktioniert bei Euch im Fenix die Abfrage nach dem METAR auch nicht mehr?
Sowohl im EFB, als auch in der MCDU scheint sich da nichts mehr zu rühren. Frage ich das Wetter in der MCDU ab, komme ich nicht mehr in die Nachrichten rein, alle anderen Message (zB Loadsheet) sind korrekt.
Hm, jetzt hab ich nen Verdacht, dass das mit dem Tool "PMCO_FNX32X" zu tun haben könnte, das für die CallOuts zuständig sein soll. Das hatte ich als letztes installiert ... hm.. werde mir wohl selbst die Antwort geben müssen *g*
sag mal, funktioniert bei Euch im Fenix die Abfrage nach dem METAR auch nicht mehr?
Sowohl im EFB, als auch in der MCDU scheint sich da nichts mehr zu rühren. Frage ich das Wetter in der MCDU ab, komme ich nicht mehr in die Nachrichten rein, alle anderen Message (zB Loadsheet) sind korrekt.
Hm, jetzt hab ich nen Verdacht, dass das mit dem Tool "PMCO_FNX32X" zu tun haben könnte, das für die CallOuts zuständig sein soll. Das hatte ich als letztes installiert ... hm.. werde mir wohl selbst die Antwort geben müssen *g*
Kein Problem auf deiner Seite.
Der Wetteranbieter hat etwas an seinem Format geändert. Deshalb funktioniert die METAR Abfrage momentan nicht.
Ist auch auf dem Dicord schon Thema, man ist "dran"
Was bedeutet das 217 G ?? Ist mir irgendwie neu
Das ist dein Grid Heading.
Externer Inhalt www.youtube.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne deine Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt. -
Basti unter welchen Umständen erscheint diese Anzeige? Ist mir bisher nicht aufgefallen. War jetzt auf einem Flug von Amsterdam nach Tromsö und von Tromsö nach Berlin.
Der PB SW ist beim A320 nur Optional. Das System schaltet sonst automatisch um.
Der Fix GILEN ist nördlich des Polarkreis.
Danke für die Antworten.
Der Oktober ist zu Ende und auch der Fenix kann den Termin nicht halten.
Aamir auf Discord.
Hi @everyone - to get the sharp end of the stick out of the way first, as you may have noticed it's the end of October and Block 2 isn't here. The last month has been an absolute whirlwind of late nights, early mornings, and weekends to try and get this over the line in time. Things ultimately did not go our way in the later phase of development and the simple fact is we're not going to be meeting our October guidance as hoped, but regardless we're not letting our foot off the gas just yet. We understand this is going to cause a lot of frustration and annoyance, and we're honestly gutted we couldn't pin everything together. With that said, as disappointing as this news may be to some of you, I'd like to reiterate that sending abusive DMs to any staff on the server will result in an instant ban - we'll take the egg on our faces for missing our aiming point, but the uptick in genuinely abusive messages will not speed up development.
Now that's out of the way, I actually bring something more than just wibble-bait: screenshots. We've kept Block 2 under wraps for quite a while as we're exploiting some tech that we've had in development for over a year, and continue to refine.
So first up, it's worth noting that there's still a few decals and textures that need moving over to the 'new' process we've recently had to switch to for some areas of the artwork due a core bug with how MSFS handles z-ordering, so don't mind a couple of missing stickers or decals here and there. This is also only going to be a 'brief' overview, I know Dave has a whole thesis planned to explain the numerous improvements the new model brings, so I don't want to steal his thunder entirely, but I did ask if I could pinch a couple of shots from him for this update. I'm on strict orders not to reveal some of the secret features he's been working on, which means we'll be sticking with the CFMs today.
Looking up from the ground, the first thing you'll notice is just how crisp everything is - from the cabin window surrounds, to the rivets and seams, and markings on the fuselage. Closer still, the cabin interior now mates with the exterior windows much more accurately, giving a sense of depth that was lacking from the V1 model.
Moving down, the trend continues with every rivet, screw, fastener, latch and service door now having true physical shape and depth, along with various stickers and panel demarkations. Signs of subtle wear and tear are present, along with dirt being flushed out of seams and access hatches by the highspeed air-stream.
One of the major aspects of V2, taking nearly 4 months to complete, was the total rebuild of the landing gear - I cannot recommend enough loading up your current version of Fenix and trying to replicate this shot - heck, try it on any airliner in MSFS and see what you're presented with. Suffice to say we may have gone a bit overboard.
This is honestly one of my favourite parts of the aircraft now in Block 2, and to know that this somehow consumes less VRAM and performs better than V1 feels like voodoo. The art team have further gone nuts here but physically modelling every panel and seam across the entire aircraft, so that it interacts with the dynamic lighting in MSFS on a level that textured seams simply aren't capable. Whilst they were at it, they went and ensured all the panel stickers were correct and present.
Dave said I wasn't allowed to post this shot for some reason, I forgot why, so here it is anyway.
Whilst not a super conventional angle, Dave wanted me to point out how it really highlights the new, more accurate, nose section model - something about the cockpit windows not looking 'barmy' in his words.
Hopefully this little progress update, whilst not the release that was hoped for, will be welcome. Like I say, we're bummed out we couldn't bring everything to your sim this month, but sometimes it really does feel like you're living in a Carry On film, and things just don't stop going against you. We'll keep pushing with our slightly unhinged working hours to get this over the line as soon as we can though. The discord channels may get a bit crazy over the next few days, but it is not lost on us how lucky we are to have so many people invested in this update - thank you for sticking with us through the bumps in the roads.
der Fahrwerksschacht war mir schon immer am wichtigsten....
Grüsse aus EDDV
Dieser rote PB macht mich immer nervös.
Was hat der für eine Funktion? Kann man das nicht wegdrücken?
Nein kann man nicht.
Fuer diejenigen die uebrigens FSUIPC haben, lohnt sich der download von PMCO FNX32X
von : https://flightsim.to/file/39243/pmc…nix-a320-add-on
Dan ist man nicht mehr so alleine. Einziger nachteil ist, das der Kollege neben mir wahrscheinlich von BA kommt
Ich stelle hier mal andere Sounddateien zur Verfügung. Sind auch englisch, aber nicht so "Oxfordstyle"
Ich habe die Soundfiles noch mal ein wenig angepasst.
1.Der Call "Airspeed" ist entfernt. Wer in dennoch haben will muss die Dateiendung von .alt auf .wav ändern
2. Der Call "FlexSet" ist nun etwas realer, da er nun "ManFlex/SRS/RWY/AT blue" ausgibt.
Normalerweise wird bei ManFlex auch die entsprechende Flex Temperatur mit angesagt. Da sich diese aber immer ändert wird sie hier (nicht ganz real) nicht mit angesagt.
Die alten Files in eine Datei sichern und durch meine ersetzen.
Ein Lebenszeichen vom Fenix zum Jahreswechsel auf Discord.
Happy New Year @everyone! We were really hoping to be pushing something else in an update to you around about now, but for the moment, good news will have to suffice. We do have a rather long list to take to Microsoft of things they might want to resolve for anyone crazy enough to pursue this level of detail in the future - but all in, we have finally cleared the scariest issues and worked around it all, and are moving onto the 'wrapping up' phase. This phase is measured in weeks, not months. We'll have a full report for you soon, but for now, here's 11 screenshots for the 11 weeks of overrun, including - finally, your first look at the IAEs. I don't actually know if I'm allowed to post these, but Aamir is away right now so what's he going to do about it?
Starting in the cockpit, daytime - I may have fibbed a little when I said don't expect much too change in the cockpit in Block 2. From this angle, you can see the new, thinner, centre window pillar, side windows, and of course a couple of new cockpit configuration options, such as the blanked off DCDUs. The entire cockpit has been remapped to more efficiently utilise texture memory; as it stands, the entire texture set is floating just below the 1GB mark, which is less than half the memory of Block 1.
Popping outside before the sun goes down, we see something new slung under the wings. Looking further, you'll see the new wing, wingtip fence, nose, and landing gear - if you think you can see the tyres compressing under the weight of the aircraft, you're not imagining it: we spent quite some time building a soft-body physics system for the tyres. They will deform under load, including sidewall deformation on the nose wheel tyres if you make a tight turn at a speed that make even Max Verstappen would wince. We'll have some videos of this coming I'm sure.
A couple of close ups showing the engine in detail; everything from subtle panel deformation due to the heat cycling of the engine, to the dirt being pushed out of the panel seams by the air-stream in flight. You'll see this a lot around the new exterior in Block 2: physically accurate, physics-driven weathering. The dirt accumulates in the panel seams usually due to rain and water droplets capturing dust and dirt on the aircraft, and drawing it down with gravity until it reaches a seam. This dirt-filled-water is then pushed out of the seams by the high speed airflow in flight, leaving a streak in it's wake. Depending on where the dirt has accumulated, it may contain dust particles or even oil, which will leave a different surface deposit, with oil being a little more reflective and viscous, affecting how it streaks across the surface of the aircraft.
Having spent 45 minutes explaining how dirt works, the sun has gone down, which brings us onto the the night environment. Under airport lighting, we start to see a lot more surface imperfections. Mmmm. Tasty. You can also see into the new cabin. Are those new seats?
Boarding the aircraft again, we can see the winglight not just illuminating the mighty/mini V2500, but also correctly casting shadows on the intake and the ground. This is part of the new shadow-casting lights in Block 2, a first in MSFS.
Diving into the cockpit we start to see some of the new night environment improves. A better dome light, new LCD simulation that makes flying at night a LOT nicer, and some subtle improvements across the materials.
Despite being called a dome on a daily basis (Thanks Aamir), I prefer flying with it off, leaving just the integrals to illuminate the way. In Block 1, this isn't really possible as the integrals don't bleed any light into the rest of the flightdeck, leaving you to 'guess' your way around. With Block 2, the integral lighting reflect off of and bounce around various cockpit surfaces, switches, and panels, to give you just enough light to fly with.
And finally, a proper close up of the night experience in Block 2. The combination of shadow-casting lights, new integral lighting system, and LCD simulation makes it feel like a whole new aircraft at night. Seriously cozy.
Anyway, that's all from this loud-mouth for a while, if visuals aren't your thing, I know Aamir is already planning a deep-dive on the new systems and simulation aspects. Again, I wish we were pushing more than just screenshots to you today, but as you can see we are committed to delivering something that you will enjoy flying for the next 5 years and beyond.
oh wait... I promised 11 screenshots didn't I? Fine