Was mir auffällt, wo sind die beweglichen Gates geblieben. MSFS Bug ?
Hm, könnte laut Handbuch zur Szenerie in der tat ein Bug des MSFS sein.
Ich zitiere einmal aus dem Manual unter der Rubrik "Current Limitations":
"No jetways or VGDS visible
This can happen at any airport within the simulator. To rectify the problem, the first step is to try and reload the
flight. If that doesn’t help, reload the flight and under the ‘Flight Conditions’ menu select ‘Air Traffic’ to OFF.
After this the gates should appear. If you wish, you can then reload the flight again with traffic. The gates will
remain visible.
Gates 22, 20 and 18 in this scenery show abnormal behaviour. When loading a flight at those gates, Microsoft
Flight Simulator will only display those three gates but none of the others."