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Klickspots beim external Model?! Wie geil ist das denn?!
Gibt es schon lange!
Oh echt? Hab das Ding seit 6 Monaten nicht mehr benutzt...
[23 March 2019]
FS2Crew: Leonardo Maddog X Reboot Version 1.7 now Available!
Version 1.7 is a significant update. All FS2Crew Leonardo Maddog owners should install it.
FS2Crew MaddogX Reboot Change Log
V1.7 (23 March, 2019)
-Doors and air stairs logic improved in keeping with new changes from Leonardo.
-Climb Checklist logic Improved.
-FO will now set the hydraulics properly during the After Engine Start checklist when using Button Control.
Da kommt was geiles auf uns zu: https://www.flythemaddog.com/forum/index.ph…-demonstration/
O Mann, ich dacht schon, das wäre die release-Botschaft!
Da muß man ja noch neu alles lernen
mfg Kai
Auf selbiger Seite findet man nun oben ein Banner, das, wenn ich es richtig verstehe, die openBeta als verfügbar ankündigt.
Yeah, it is => https://www.flythemaddog.com/forum/index.ph…eta-p3d-v44v45/
Hier die Acars funktionen => https://www.flythemaddog.com/forum/applicat…ent.php?id=5010
Quelle: http://www.flythemaddog.com
Wow, danke, what a weekend!
mfg Kai
Da haben FSLabs und Leonardo aber mal einen raus gehauen.
Jetzt muessen sich PMDG & Co aber steigern!
Und das zusammen mit P3D4.5. Ostern und Weihnachten auf einmal!
mfg Kai
FSLabs & Leonardo sind momentan das Maß aller Dinge. Wird schwierig für PMDG & Co da aufzuholen.
...aber es wäre nicht das erste Mal, dass sie wiederum die Messlatte höher legen.
Gibt ein update:
Hello captains. We have just released a new build: 1.4b412. It's an 'official' release, and the installers can be found in simMarket, under your downloads. This was needed to solve the discrepancies between the 'old' SP1b352 P3D 4.4 installers and the 'new' 1.4b412 for P3D v4.4/v4.5. Some fixes from previous 1.4b410 open beta:
******1.4b412 - 17/04/2019******
64bit edition - P3D v4.4/v4.5
- bug fixes;
- improved LOC/ILS CAP logic;
- random fuel loaded (instead of 100%) if options 'refueled aircraft' and 'turnarounud mode' OFF.
- 'Import ofp' in LM now asks for file path, you can choose any file on HD now, no more putting OFP.txt inside Routes folder;
- revision of ACARS export file for pfpx.
Hello Captains ?✈️
We have found a major issue in Flythemaddog X that has required us releasing a new build to fix it.
You can download the new 1.4b414 full installers from your simMarket account, or download the MD-82 and MD-83/MD-88 incremental upgrades from our forum and just install them on top of the previous 1.4b412. Remember to export/import your fleet before upgrading.
This is the 3rd release in 2 days, my apologies but the issue was discovered only after the b412 release and we wanted to fix it as soon as possible.
Gibt ein update von FS2Crew fuer unsere MadDog
FS2Crew have issued a new update for the Maddog X Reboot. Version 1.8 is a relatively small update which sees a few changes due to the recently released FlythemaddogX update from Leonardo Softhouse.
Version 1.8 sees the APU start-up logic changed along with various user options for the ASDEX, ACARS and also the autothrust. All the options need to be manually changed and the instructions on how to do so are down below.
1. APU start logic updated during after landing flow. The FO now holds APU in START position
for several seconds to account for updated Maddog APU logic.
2. New user options:
-FO will set the transponder to XPONDER after receiving the start clearance and during
the after landing flow.
-Loadsheet will no longer be delivered to the cockpit during pre-flight events.
c) Autothrust
-After commanding “TAKEOFF”, the PNF will turn on Autothrust about 2 seconds later.
To activate either of the three new user options:
1. Go to this location:
C:\Users\***YOUR USER NAME****\AppData\Roaming\FS2Crew2010\Versions\MadDogRB\SavedData
2. Using NOTEPAD, open this file: FS2CREWData1.ini
You will see this:
Change the 0 to a 1 as desired to activate the feature.
Ich bräuchte mal Info's zu 2 Addon's für die Maddog...
1. Lohnt sich die Erweiterung von Leonardo (MD-83,MD-84), d.h. gibt es irgendeinen Mehrwert, ausser dass die Modelle größer sind?
2. Hat jemand das Soundpack von TSS und lohnt es sich? Ich meine irgendwo mal gelesen zu haben, dass ein MD-82 Pilot meinte, es wäre zwar im Cockpit unrealistisch laut damit, aber hilfreich fürs Immersionsgefühl.
1. Nicht für den Preis.
2. Das Lohnt sich.