wir haben lange darauf gewartet. Nun steht das Prepar3D Highlight endlich vor der Tür. Wer könnte es besser in Worte fassen als Mr. Ice T. Kok persönlich:
Zitat von Aerosoft ForumLate last week I was reading in the newspaper that there were many more icebergs around NewFoundland and Greenland then normal. Scientists are not sure it is because of global warming or because of a freak current, but it is significant. That made me thinking, I remember seeing icebergs many times when crossing the ocean, often they are the only thing visible in in the ocean, they really stand out. And we don't have them in the sim.
So together with Stefan (he needed a break from the A330 and CRJ) we decided to make icebergs for FS. They will be placed where they are this time of year.
Eis-, Eisberge!…-ice-with-that/
Und jetzt alle: