Tristar A30B at Mogadishu on Oct 12th 2015, forced landing off airport

  • The African Way of Flying:

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  • Die Frage ist auch, wie man solch einen Flug freigegeben kann wenn man weiß das er nach Sunset ankommt und vorallem was ist das für eine fuelpolicy!

    Über die Fuel Policy entscheidet doch der Staat, in dem der Operator registriert ist. Damit wäre die Civil Aviation Authority Ägyptens zuständig:


    121.621 Alternate airport for destination: Air carriers(a) No person may dispatch an aircraft under IFR unless he lists at least one alternate airport foreach destination airport in the dispatch release, unless:(1) The flight is scheduled for not more than 6 hours and, for at least 1 hour before and 1 hourafter the estimated time of arrival at the destination airport, the appropriate weather reportsor forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate the ceiling will be:(i) At least 1,500 feet above the lowest circling MDA, if a circling approach is requiredand authorized for that airport; or(ii) At least 1,500 feet above the lowest published instrument approach minimum or 2,000feet above the airport elevation, whichever is greater; and(iii) The visibility at that airport will be at least 4800 meters, or 3200 meters more than thelowest applicable visibility minimums, whichever is greater, for the instrumentapproach procedures to be used at the destination airport; or(2) The flight is over a route approved without an available alternate airport for a particulardestination airport and the aircraft has enough fuel to meet the requirements of 121.633.(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the weather conditions at the alternate airportmust meet the requirements of the air carrier's operation specifications.(c) No person may dispatch a flight unless he lists each required alternate airport in the dispatchrelease.…121/Part121.pdf

    Das dürfte knapp an den 6h gewesen sein, für die gar kein Alternate gefiled werden muss - sofern die METARs und TAFs nicht dagegen sprechen.

    Lg Philipp


    "Wahrscheinlich ist mir da auf FL170 nen Komodowaran oder sowas ins Triebwerk geflogen, keine Ahnung." Matthias D., Ornithologe

  • Aber man kann doch keinen Flug unter IFR-Bedingungen planen, wenn der Zielflughafen kein IFR-Equipment hat? Da het der @Eik209_C160 schon Recht... ;)

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.