Accident: British Airways B772 at Las Vegas on Sep 8th 2015, rejected takeoff due to engine fire

  • Zitat
    A British Airways Boeing 777-200, registration G-VIIO performing flight BA-2276 from Las Vegas,NV (USA) to London Gatwick,EN (UK) with 157 passengers and 13 crew, was accelerating for takeoff from Las Vegas' runway 07L when the crew rejected takeoff at low speed and stopped the aircraft about 800 meters/2600 feet down the runway, an arrival to the parallel runway 07R was instructed to go around. After coming to a stop the crew radioed "Mayday, Mayday, need fire services", tower replied fire services were already on their way, the crew advised they were evacuating, they had a fire, they were evacuating. Seven people received minor injuries in the evacuation, two of them were taken to hospitals. Smoke and flames were seen from the left hand engine (GE90), emergency services responded and put the fire out about 4 minutes after the aircraft rejected takeoff. The aircraft received substantial fire/heat damage to left hand inboard wing and fuselage.
    Las Vegas Airport reported flames were spotted at 16:14L (23:14Z), the fire was put out by 16:18L. Two occupants were taken to hospitals for minor injuries, a total of seven needed medical attention.
    Passengers reported there was enormeous heat, that appeared to melt down a couple of passenger windows, smoke entered the aircraft. They evacuated down the slides and were taken to the terminal. Later the captain joined the passengers at the terminal and told them, that they had suffered a catastrophic failure of the left hand engine.
    The airline reported: "The aircraft, a 777-200 experienced a technical issue as it was preparing for take-off from McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. Our crew evacuated the aircraft safely and the fire was quickly extinguished by the emergency services at the airport. 157 customers were on board the flight, along with three pilots and 10 cabin crew. A small number of customers and our crew have been taken to hospital." The passengers were taken to hotels, hotlines have been opened for friends and relatives of those on board.
    The runway was closed for 4 hours, the FAA issued ground stops for a number of flights inbound to Las Vegas.

    Bilder und Video Auf

  • Wenn man die Bilder von dem Unfall sieht, kann man nur hoffen, dass Airlines irgendwann mal aktiv anfangen, über das (Nicht)-Mitnehmen von Handgepäck bei einer Evakuierung in der Safety Demo zu reden.

    Ich hoffe auch, dass mehr Pax sich bewusst werden, dass Schuhe aus und/oder Schlafen bei Start und Landung keine empfehlenswerte Idee sind. Meine Eltern hab ich schon so erzogen. :D

    Grüße, Robert

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  • NTSB Issues Update on the British Airways Engine Fire at Las Vegas

    As part of its ongoing investigation into Tuesday’s engine fire that occurred during takeoff of British Airways flight 2276, a Boeing 777, at McCarran International Airport (LAS), the NTSB today released the following investigative update.


    The following are the initial factual findings:

    • British Airways flight 2276, a Boeing 777-200ER, equipped with two GE90-85B engines, registration G-VIIO, was operating under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 129 and was enroute to London - Gatwick Airport (LGW), Horley, England.
    • There were 157 passengers, including 1 lap child, and 13 crew members on board. There were several minor injuries as a result of the evacuation (mostly abrasions).
    • The flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder and quick access recorder have arrived at the NTSB Vehicle Recorder Laboratory and are currently being downloaded.
    • On Tuesday evening, the airplane was photographed and the runway debris documented by FAA and airport officials before airplane was towed to secluded area of the airport (in order to reopen the runway).
    • Initial examination of the left engine revealed multiple breaches of the engine case in the area around the high pressure compressor.
    • Examination of the material recovered from runway found several pieces of the high pressure compressor spool (approximately 7-8 inches in length).
    • Initial examination of the airplane by NTSB revealed that the left engine and pylon, left fuselage structure and inboard left wing airplane were substantially damaged by the fire. This damage will be documented over the next several days.

    Dann gibt es jetzt noch ein Video von Innen:

    Dieser Moment als die FA sagt "Please remain seated!" und draußen schlagen die Flammen aus dem Triebwerk....

