Enjoy your thursday- we will be back with more news shortly!
PMDG Boeing 747-400 / -8 V3
Maik -
13. September 2014 um 03:16
Wie im Manual beschrieben: Der WXR soll noch nen Update bekommen, zum Beispiel Terrain Echos und die Schattenanalyse, soll heißen, dass er dir sagt dass er hinter einem großen Echo nicht in der Lage ist eine zuverlässige Verarbeitung der Daten zu leisten, damit wirft die Wolke einen Schatten auf den Bereich hinter sich vom Flugzeug aus gesehen. Weiterhin gibts mit Sicherheit noch vieeele viiieeele Sachen die dir nicht auffallen, die aber falsch sind oder einfach besser arbeiten könnten.
We have just made live the first real-time product update for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II product line.
Aber was da alles anders ist...keine Ahnung.
Zitat von PMDG Ops Center, 747v3, Version- 0005915: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] 747 BCF aux position no 1 hydraulic pump (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005769: [External Model - Geometry] AI object creating lighting effects trails behind airplane (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005770: [Systems - Electrical] Suggestion not to cut ground power early during 400F cargo door closing (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005901: [External Model - Geometry] Engine Exhaust Effects - hide when aircraft speed is greater than a predetermined speed (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005780: [Main Panel - EICAS Messaging Issues] Engine relight envelope message (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0004268: [Apps - Display Unit] Screen Refresh process on client machine (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005850: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] smoke evac hole (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005829: [FMS - Failures Pages] FMS Failures section still contains 777 items (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005831: [FMS - Failures Pages] Pack overheat has no flight deck effects (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005837: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Customer request for sync baro option to also sync units (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005359: [General - Flight Model] Stuttering just after liftoff (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005730: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Changing upper deck pax quantity affects lower deck instead (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005806: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Customer says callouts only work on first approach (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005812: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Very, very minor VC geometry issues (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005811: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] smoke evac opens in wrong direction (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005064: [Systems - General/Not Sure] night lighting - wxr panel (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005775: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Imported AIRAC Object with name > 5 characters from external planner (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005653: [External Model - Liveries] Please fix prior to release - Antenna - ADF antennas (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005765: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Add the ability to vary cockpit engine start sound volumes per engine type (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005743: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] 2D MCP Pop-up No Light Map (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005723: [External Model - Geometry] Fuel load affect on wings (rsrandazzo) - resolved.
- 0005752: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Light leaks/gaps from forum (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005736: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Auto step climb doesn't work for FMC entered step points when STEP SIZE = 0 (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005724: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Control column position (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005741: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] FO side yoke memory device misaligned (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005729: [General - Engines] Fuel flow stuck at idle value with IAS < 80 knots (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005708: [Main Panel - PFD] Dual cue flight director bar thickness (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005842: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Auto engine anti on/off decals are the wrong way round (mfrantzeskakis) - closed.
- 0005830: [General - Unsure] Ground Operations does not arm the upper deck doors. (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005843: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] 744F HDP1 Aux Label does NOT disappear (moves) when option is deselected (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005803: [FMS - Failures Pages] Service Based failures do not change with Time Compression active (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005804: [FMS - Functionality Problems (General)] POS REPORT page : fuel reported for last waypoint (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005753: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] OVERHEAD gauge (section 1) not properly scaling when High-Resolution 3D Cockpit option is not checked in FSX/SE (mfrantzeskakis) - resolved.
- 0005835: [External Model - Geometry] Mini Cockpit Textures are not properly applied (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005820: [General - SDK] ENG STBY IGN selector (abashkatov) - resolved.
- 0005792: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Checklist Holders no back texture (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005787: [External Model - Liveries] Bump Map errors from Customer (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005795: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Add aircraft shadow to VC model for P3D (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005722: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Planned step WPT (UP) results in delayed climb predictions / AVAIL AT handling corrected (emvaos) - resolved.
- 0005772: [External Model - Geometry] Contrails causing large performance hit on some users machines (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005785: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] SELCAL Text after dark (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005737: [Systems - Ice & Rain Protection] Different Anti Ice panel option (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005728: [External Model - Geometry] Mini cockpit in exterior model has 777 panel, and yoke textures are off (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005766: [External Model - Liveries] missing texture on nose gear part (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005768: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Autobrake click spot remains on aisle stand when knob moved to main panel (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005758: [External Model - Geometry] Remap wheel textures to allow uniform dirty wheels (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005759: [External Model - Geometry] Tail mapping adjustment (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005761: [External Model - Geometry] Exterior lighting splash, increase material transparency to make lighting a little stronger for some third party airports (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005750: [Systems - Flight Controls] LE Flap retraction after landing (rsrandazzo) - resolved.
- 0005763: [External Model - Geometry] Light leaks around all cabin doors and VC in exterior model (jbrown) - resolved.
- 0005757: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Chart light FO side New Style window frame too dim (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005754: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Light Leak in "Old Style" window post (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005755: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Lenses of map lights misaligned in "old style" window frames (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005751: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Lighting Issues from support and forum (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005746: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Labeling at top of main panel cut off in Freighter (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005745: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Light leaks on sidewalls (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005744: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] True/Norm Switch has wonky animation (vscimone) - resolved.
- 0005698: [Main Panel - ND] POS Button and GPS/IRU symbols (abashkatov) - closed.
[58 issues]EDIT by Toto - Deine Ansichten gerne via PM, oder ohne sie Kund zu tun. Danke fuer deinen produktiven Beitrag!
Sagt mal zur 744 - war es nicht so, dass KLM eine der Airlines war, die die 744 ohne Taxilights hatten, oder verwechsele ich das gerade? In den original Configs die dabei sind, haben alle KLM Maschinen ein Taxilight. Gabs da mal ein Retrofit oder stimmte das für KLM gar nicht, dass die die Maschine ohne Taxilights hatten?
Grüße an die KLM Experten ;),
Wenn man KLM 747 Cockpit googelt sind die meisten tatsächlich ohne Taxilights, ausser die Frachter.
Hast du die service based failures an? Die Tüten fressen Öl, du brauchst preflight mindestens 12 units / engine plus jeweils eine halbe unit / Flugstunde (wenn ich mich richtig erinnere), Ölstand kannst du auf dem EICAS checken. Wenn du ein paar Langstrecken in Folge fliegst, kann der Ölstand schnell mal unters Minimum fallen und du musst nachkippen...
Also irgendwie passt mal wieder der Cost Index mit der Performance nicht. Habe jetzt mehere PFPX Profile für die 747-400GE gerechnet und jedesmal ist der CI den ich in PFPX rechne und die Geschwindigkeit da daraus resultiert in der 747 zu gering. Ein Beispiel: In PFPX CI 100 macht als speed M.85. Im FMC muss ich allerdings einen viel höheren CI eingeben, beispiel CI 500 um die Speed zu erreichen.
Kleines Update steht bereit:
When we started pushing out updates to bring our products up to compatibility with Prepar3D v4, we almost immediately began to suspect that our installers were not doing a proper job of getting our products onto the user machine in usable form.
I'll spare you the long version of the story, but the short version is that some aspects of our installation process trace their roots back to our original PMDG 737 release from July 1, 2003.
Many of you probably haven't stopped to consider that our technical support system gives us quite a bit of reporting data with which to analyze trends in product problem reports- (and if you HAVE stopped to consider it, you might want to consider bringing an iPad or a good book on your next long haul, because clearly you need something else to think about during your flying! ) but needless to say it quickly became apparent to us that a significant percentage of our customer problems were being created by our own installation mechanism and it's failing to handle some knee-knockers with grace.
We wound up putting just about everything on hold in order to analyze the problems we were seeing and developing a new set of installers that we hope will eliminate the sudden up-tick in customers who were having trouble with what should otherwise have been very straight-forward installations.
The past ten days or so have been almost entirely dedicated to installation methods and enhancements- and in order to quickly change the trend line, we have today issued new versions of both FSX/FSX-SE and P3D v3/P3D v4 installers for the PMDG 747-400 and the PMDG 777-200LR/F.
In both the 747-400 and the 777-200LR/F, we made only a couple of very minor changes to the product itself:
- Elimination of a sound-device related CTD that was affecting some users.
- Updated installer
- (For P3D v4) rolled back the dynamic lighting enhancements one version in order to eliminate some problems that customers were seeing with last week's update. (We are still investigating, but felt this temporary measure was reasonable until we resolve the issues reported.)
A few key notes on these new installers, if you elect to install them now:
- Completely remove the 747 and 777 you have already installed. Do this for all of our sanity...
- These installers will do a much better job of utilizing the standard ADD/REMOVE/MODIFY capabilities of windows installation
- These installers will actually allow you to run a REPAIR on an existing installation- which can come in handy if you accidentally delete something critical.
- These installers are designed to do a health check on a few key prerequisites that support activation, operation and interfacing of the product to your simulator and the windows platform.
With these out of the way, we are again pivoting back to getting the NGX release ready and the 77W as well. For those that are not aware, this is a holiday weekend here in the USA, so most of us will not be working the normal full schedule that we have been keeping- and we will pick up where we left off on Wednesday of next week- but I have built that holiday into the schedule expectations thread already with my timeline updates from this morning.
With some luck the 77W will see release here very shortly- and then NGX is in very good shape as of now- so we are hoping it goes through the last round of testing very quickly.
(And just to help quell some really oddball uninformed discussion: Release of the NGX has no dependency on the 77W...anyone quoting otherwise is woefully ill informed and should be smacked about the head and shoulders until they agree to stop repeating dumb stuff in public.... If you need a mallet, please stop by tech support and we will loan you one of ours. )
**NOTE for Aerosoft DVD/Download Customers: We anticipate Aerosoft will update their system with the new version of the 777 during the day Monday. You will need to get it from them, but the wait shouldn't be too tedious.
Kleiner Hinweis: Die Effekte für die Landing Lights und Strobes auf dem Boden sind nur mit Dynamic Lights sichtbar. Bei der 747 ist dies aktuell mit einer Diashow zu vergleichen. Die 777 hat da wohl weniger Probleme.
Finde ich irgendwie Banane und zeigt meine Befürchtung: 64bit bietet Entwicklern mehr Möglichkeiten und Spielereien, die dann jedoch wieder auf die Performance drücken. Ansonsten in die v4 aber ein Träumchen!
Auch mit der 777 gibt es Problemen, aber nur wenn man die AA auf SSAA einstellt, mit MSAA gibt es keine Problemen bei beiden Addons, aber ich denke dies liegt an den Addons, hatte zum Beispiel in Sydney von Flytampa mit der TripleSeven keine Problemen trotz SSAA und DL, in EDDL von Justsim oder in Bali von Aerosoft ist es mit SSAA unfliegbar
Würde gerne den AA über NI Probieren, leider schaffe ich es nicht, dass der Nvidia Inspector den AA von P3D v4 regelt
Ich habe alle slider 1 stufe vor Maximum gestellt
Interessant wäre, was für einen Treiber hast Du?
ich habe den letzten 384.76
Dann AA auf 8SSAA (außer bei Nacht flügen da muss ich entweder DL abschalten oder auf 8MSAA gehen
Komischerweise, sagt PMDG es sind die Hersteller schuld, aber ich habe auch bei den Default Airports Problemen
Und in FULL HD geht es noch, da gehen die FPS auf 12-15 runter, aber in 4k war bei mir ein richtiges Slidshow
Ok, hast Du kein Flimmern?
wenn ich bei mir auf 8xMSAA stelle, dann habe ich keine Problemen mehr mit den DL, aber dafür habe ich viel flimmern
Dann muss ich mal dein Treiber ausprobieren
Bei mir flimmert alles wenn ich auf 8xMSAA stelle
Ich habe jetzt eigentlich alle meine Problemen gelöst und es läuft alles wunderbar
Habe die CPU auf Default gelassen 4,2 GHz (vorher auf 4,8 GHz ), Hyper-Threading (hatte ich unter V3 immer auf OFF wegen VAS Problemen) und habe die Windows 10 Auslagerungsdatei abgestellt und die FPS habe ich mit den NI Limitiert auf 33,6.
Alles läuft Wunderbar und sieht toll aus, nur mit den Dynamischen Light habe ich Problemen in Verbindung mit den SSAA
In 4k ist DL wirklich nicht nutzbar, im PMDG update vor der jetzt aktuellen Version gab es ja ein in der Performance Verbessertes DL, welches tatsächlich, bis auf in KSFO, sehr gut lief. In der aktuellen PMDG Version ist wieder das DL aus dem ursprünglichen v4 releas drin, kann ich nicht nachvollziehen warum.
In 4k mit MSAA oder SSAA, mit MSAA funktioniert DL ja einwanfrei
Problem ist DL in Verbindung mit SSAA
Deswegen Frage ich, hat es jemand geschafft DL in Verbindung mit den AA von Nvidia Inspector?
Nein, im nativen 4k, funktioniert das DL auch ohne semtliches AA nicht. Die 1080 geht von 60% auf 100% Auslastung und scalliert die FPS um über 50% nach unten. Da stehe ich laut AVsim Forum auch nicht alleine da.
Ein Update zur 747-8:
Was meint ihr, Fuel Verbrauch über den Daumen:
- 0,3 t /h APU
- 1,5 t /h Taxi
- 10,0 t /h Flight
kommt das hin?