Dash 8Q400 Gear Up Landing at Zurich

  • Sagt der Herald....


    A Croatia Airlines de Havilland Dash 8-400, registration 9A-CQC performing flight OU-464 from Zagreb (Croatia) to Zurich (Switzerland) with 60 passengers and 4 crew, was on approach to Zurich's runway 14 when the crew went around reporting they had an unsafe nose gear indication, the nose gear appeared to be blocked. The aircraft entered a hold at 9000 feet, then declared Mayday reporting they needed to land without nose gear. Zurich Airport halted all traffic in preparation for the emergency. About 40 minutes after aborting the first approach the aircraft landed on runway 14 safely without nose gear and came to a stop on the runway on main gear and nose section of the aircraft, emergency services reported everything appeared under control from the outside, people could disembark slowly. The crew advised both engines were shut down, a few minutes later the crew advised all passengers had disembarked, everything was safe on board. Tower annotated to the crew: "Excellent job, well done".

    Other traffic resumed a few minutes after landing, traffic was halted for about 15 minutes.


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  • Naja, ist ja eigtl nur das NLG... Trotzdem guter Job von der Crew!

    Ich will mich jetzt nicht zu weit rausragen, aber im Grunde kann man doch mit dem Klappdrachen 8 gar nicht viel falsch machen ohne NLG... ?(

    Grüße, Robert

  • Bissl Gefühl brauchts schon ... wenn man die Nase zu lang oben hält, knallts. Aber ich glaub, das weiß und kann jeder ... kann man das bei der Majestic eigentlich simulieren ? oder bei irgend nem anderen Addon ?